Little Mosque on the Prairie

Discussion in 'TV Comedies and Sitcoms' started by drew172, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. drew172

    drew172 Senior Member

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    Anyone else checked out this show tonight? After hearing about it a few days ago, i got interested. I rea the reviews and interviews in my city's paper, and the National Post....after that i hit the internet, and checked out some clips. Found stuff from CBC and (odd little shocker to me) CNN. Apparently it was one of the most talked about shows to come out recently.

    anywho, back on the show, i definitely liked the pilot and wanna see was a little loaded with the plot for a half hour and went kinda fast i thought... but its a its no big deal, still enjoyed it a lot... i dont watch a lot fo canadian tv (well, i barely watch tv as it is) but in comparison to say, Corner Gas, I thought this show was much better. Gas always seemed a little, well, not funny, i mean, i only saw bits of it before and im sure its certainly got its moments but oh well...

    anyways. enjoyable show. any thoughts, opinions or reviews?
  2. snowultra

    snowultra Member

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    i heard it was not funny, and boring to watch. i do want to see a couple episodes, because i dont think muslims can be funny. im busy downloading other crap, but may get around to this.
  3. alex714

    alex714 To the Left

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    I watched a few eps. I thought it was pretty boring.

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