This is an enlarged picture I drew of me and my little sister. The picture I drew from was taken ages ago. This is one of my favourites.
-Your talent is beautifull, -you can see your heart. -You and your sister are beautifull, may God bless you.
I try so hard to put a soul into the drawings. So that when a person looks at it they feel its looking back at them. I have been drawing for a long time and still I feel like theres more to know. Thank you. Your words are so kind, I'm glad I am not the only one who sees light in this picture.
thast is such a great picture. the more basic colors realy just let your appreciate all the emotion in there
The original is actually a lot smaller. I am working on small picture detail lately. I use to have a really cartoony style, and then I made it a goal of mine to attain to the techniques of realism. To the present I have improved, but there is always room for more improvement in anything, Thanks for the comments, its hard to get the guts to share personal drawings with others.