Sometimes, when I'm high, its like, the words tumble around in my head like the chick spinning the big clear plastic barrel full of lottery tickets on the evening T.V. Then the words end up all like defunctoluted and conglomafied all cattywhompus and whatnot. it's like normally there's slots that the words would fit into to complete thoughts as they tumble around, but for some reason, when im like, high, or whatever, they don't seem to want to fall into their thought holes they should fit into.
yes.. the day I posted the OP I was holding Blue Dream. Now I only got some bullshit supercompressed reggies. I mean this bud sounds like gravel when you drop it and it won't break up into anything except little smaller gravels.
yabba dabba doob.. I feel ya. on the other hand getting an o full of stones for a buck and still getting high : priceless.
I actually feel I'm more articulate while high. I'll even say words I wasn't even aware I knew. So I can't really say I know what you're talking about. Cattywhompus? That's kind of a cool word.
that was the subject of much debate at work the other day.. aparently many people have never heard that word before.
I most definitely attribute much of my intellect and inspirations to my drug use. And I think most (I sure hope so) here would agree that I do a lot of drugs....and I'm definitely not braindead.... FAIL! PCP SAVED MY LIFE!!!! As always, gotta be smart w/ which drugs you do, when u do 'em and how much/often:sunny:
I find that being high often helps me when I'm planning out papers for school, but I can't actually write them high.
I took an online IQ test on methoxetamine once and it was the kind with those crazy pictures and shit...I expected it to say I was retarded but I got 102. And in many ways I can barely function on that drug, but it doesn't seem to decrease intelligence. I certainly felt like I was failing miserably the whole time.