Learning disability, what does it really mean?

Discussion in 'Mental Health' started by Romanticdreamer24, Jul 2, 2011.

  1. Romanticdreamer24

    Romanticdreamer24 Guest

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    Not sure if this is the right place to put this, but in school I was diagnosed with a learn disability.

    What does this really mean?
  2. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    It means that even though you knew this didn't belong in the introductions sections...you posted it there anyway :rolleyes:

    >>moved to mental health
  3. Giant

    Giant Member

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    Could mean any number of things, usually its for those that learn slowly and have bad memories when it comes to writing down the correct answer in a test.

    You can still be intelligent and not do well in school.
  4. Freedom_Maggot13

    Freedom_Maggot13 Member

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    had it put on me as well because my maths was below the normal.

    it just means you have difficulty in learning some things, it does not mean you're dumb or anything.
  5. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Many with so called "Learning Disabilities" are actually quite intelligent, just not in those things taught or tested in schools.....
  6. Sininabin

    Sininabin Member

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    there are tons of different learning disabilities. finding out your personal weakness will really help you overcome it.

    Without Microsoft word I would probable be considered illiterate. When I write I forget words (in my head I write them but they are missing from the paper) I flip the order of things (two stones with one bird was an old common mistake), I have problem with phonetics (to spell laura I say to myself "la" "u" "ra" or else i spell it lora) my handwriting is terrible.

    But don't let it every stop you lots LD kids get down on themselves.

    "you can get the hang of it I know it"

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2ZShmt19uQ"]Songify This - BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. - YouTube

    so what type of LD do you have?

    Man it's good you've got diagnosed made it kind of hellish until college when I learned that school wasn't so suppose to be so hard, and talked to some of my professors.
  7. machinist

    machinist Banned Lifetime Supporter

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    in second grade my teacher thought i needed to take some tests

    my parents had to sign some papers saying, among other things, that if i didn't pass these tests i would have to ride the short bus to school.

    i passed the tests and resumed normal school. eighth grade i was a "gifted" student. by highschool i was in advanced placement.

    school is like a goldfish bowl. some students are like goldfish. all they need is stagnant water and a plastic castle. some students are like blue ringed octopus. these ones can't be healthy in a goldfish bowl.

    go steelers!
  8. drcalm92

    drcalm92 Guest

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    i have a learning disability(classified) and with me personally i just forget alot and can get mental fog often
  9. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    same here...i was tested early because of behavioural issues (hard to believe..I know :rolleyes: )...turned out my IQ was way higher than anyone expected and i was placed in a gifted program

    too bad they didnt understand about A.D.D. at the time...if i would have known how to control that like I sort of do now...I could have been a contender
  10. roamy

    roamy Senior Member

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    it just means you have a different way of learning.
  11. FlashG

    FlashG Banned

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    Is it an excuse for someone with a learning disability to be abusive to people?
  12. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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  13. It means some people don’t understand something. They find it hard to process all the information at a normal rate.

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