I just had another lucid dream where I had the ability to fly and move through walls and stuff again. I've had these on and off all my life pretty much, but more recently have become very interested in the science of what is going on, or the spirituality or both. These dream experiences all tend to bear the same hallmarks, often a pain in the centre of my chest (although I did not just experience that) and more usually the palms of my hands are glowing, I can levitate/float/fly and move through solid objects. There is always a tremendous surge of energy flowing through my body when it happens and several times I have spoken to dead relatives who have either appeared through a door in my house or i see their reflection as my reflection in a mirror. I never see myself sleeping in the dreams. I've practiced reiki a little bit and had it done on me and have felt the same sensations through this, namely surges of energy through my body which are linked I think to higher vibrational energies and the healing process/opening of chakras, and sensations on the palms of my hands when I had the reiki initiation ceremony. I felt the palms of my hands undulating, even though the girl who was doing it to me wasn't touching me. So I'm very open minded about spiritual interpretations behind these dreams, but also skeptical from a scientific point of view. The only real evidence of a real spiritual dimension to all of this is a premonition that I had of a relative who died the same night, and I knew something was wrong the whole of the next day, and when the phone call came with the bad news I knew what was coming. I dreamt I was in the hospital that she died, my great aunt who had taken a fatal heart attack and died the previous evening. So anyway, would like to hear anyone's take on this account of my latest lucid dreaming experience, that just happened less than an hour ago. I went for an afternoon sleep, slept on my back. Had a few dreams where people were in my house and leaving, then children knocking on my door trying to get me to donate to charity, a man who turned into a woman and who had a prosthetic leg. I became lucid at one point when the palms of my hands started to glow. I know from past dreams this is a precursor to astral flying, or at least flying in my dreams, So then, as occurs previously, I started to float up and it's like I'm using the palms of my hands to propel me. I fly across the room, and usually I fly out of the window but this time I flew through the wall to the outside of my house, whereupon I land on the ground on my feet. I decided in the dream to test the hypothesis of whether or not I really was dreaming and if it was my spirit leaving my body, and there was a fire so I landed on the fire in my face and I didn't get burned, that's good i though, that means I'm not really here. I walked out onto the road where I found a truck and a man and woman and child were there. I went up to the woman to see if she could see me, and she said 'hi, can I help you?. 'You can see me?' 'Yes I can see you, of course' 'Can you feel me?' So she touched my jacket and confirmed that she could also feel me. That's not right, I thought. So I tried to explain to them what I was doing and they weren't listening, so i tried to fly again, but it wouldn't work so I went back in my house normally through the door. I then tried to fly again and flew sideways and fell over and landed on my computer, toppling everything over. All this time the palms of my hands are still glowing and I can feel the centre of my forehead glowing, which is where I believe the third eye chakra sits. I then went about trying to put my computer back together and then woke up out of the dream and went, wow that was cool.
Does nobody want to talk about this? The science, the experience. Experience and science are the same thing, because everything is thought, a pattern, a flow. From science I know that our existence is all subjective, and any thoughts I may have or dreams are not real, they are just things that I feel and then pass. The box is only a box so long as you can imagine it being a box, after than it's just a passing thought. Equations, science, we all think we are building a pyramid and at the top is the ultimate theory, but all of it is only thoughts, all part of the experience of consciousness. I want ot try to understand more about my existence, within the realisation of eternal change. There are things that physics cannot explain. I want to know more about people's experiences like this and try to understand, because I think there is a spiritual dimenension that we all enter in our dreams. Physics does not discount this, some of the wild theories such as dark matter may well serve some way to explain it. The universe was there long before I woke up into this life and became aware of my own existence withiin it. I have no reason to discount the possibility that there is more to than I can see with my own eyes.
well i've levatad, flown and more often teleported, but no pain, glowing hands or even human form when doing so. well i have levitated, kind of more like floating then swimming, at some elevation in the air. usually be climbing to something of that elevation, and just floating level off of it, without falling even a little at all. that's part of how the universe my dreams are in, differs from the one i, and i presume we, are awake in. i don't think i've ever gained or lost altatude. its more like floating on a completely invisible, non-material 'surface'. i really don't think any of this has anything to do with anything in this world. dreams, mine anyway, take place, in their own universe, with its own physics, that is different then that of this one. there are some ways in which emotion and other things affect the physics of that world too. completely unlike how they don't in this one. so i would call what i have, an 'obe' so much as an 'oue'. and for me, that's just my normal dreaming. i've never had, were people say mirrors or books or clocks or computer screens or what have don't work. if i'm not visible in a mirror, its because i'm there without any physical form for it to reflect, which is not an unusual case. what would be more unusual, would be for there to even be mirrors to see myself in. i don't actually remember ever seeing a mirror in my dreams. though i've seen plenty of computer displays actively changing. even used illustration apps in my dreams. smells, tastes, tactile sensations. nothing hazy or incomplete from actually being there. to me, its not mystical mumbojumbo. its just a parallel universe. does my soul actually travel there when i'm asleep? who knows? does it matter? not that i can detect. i think its more like when you log on to second life or world of war craft or something. there's a client side that runs on your local computer, and a server it logs onto. some kind of psionic internet that transcends physical world or even universes. with the client side app, being something we're all born with. maybe, well maybe anything. there could be something like that between lives too. we just really don't know about that one. but this terminology of lucid, and out of body, what i experience just doesn't directly corrispond to any of it.
Haha! You just reminded me of a dream I had a while back where I have the ability to teleport. I used my computer to select the location in the room with my mouse and then clicked on it and then I would disappear and rematerialise in another part of the room. Also, my computer went with me as well. I was also able to duplicate myself. Weird as hell dream, but very cool. It's a dream. Dreams replicate out waking reality in our inner minds. Surely mirrors can be a part of that? Um, yes. Of course it matters? It's interesting. If there is another dimension I want to know about it.
OK, allow me to elucidate further on my hypothesis. I think there is another reality that we enter in our dreams, like the Indians refered to this reality as the dreamtime and the dreams are the reailty. I think our minds connect, maybe sometimes, maybe all the time in our dreams. I have had too many experiences that relate to waking reality to discount this possibility. Freud's contemporary Carl Jung believed in a realm of concsciousness that transcends our limited waking consciousness where our minds connect. If you consider some of the theories of physics coming out these days then it's perfectly feasible by comparison. Also, and this is the smoking gun for me. As I explained earlier, when this happens I get the glowing palms and the energy rushes, the dreams I have are always in the room or the vicinity of the building I am in. I cannnot recall any time where I have had these dreams, even when I was a child and flying around anywhere other than in or around the building I am sleeping in. That may be related to the lucidity of the dream state though, but it's certainly noteworthy. The point is, the dreams are always in or around where I am sleeping. It wasn't until I was on a trip to India, when I was staying in Mcleodganj, I had a dream I was flying around, along one of the roads in the nearby village of Dharamkot. That time I went further, but I also remember a dream when I was child where I was flying quite far from where I was sleeping, but not that far. I told people about it the next day and this girl's eyes lit up and she was all like, omg you're astral projecting. That's when my mind was opened to the possibility/reality of this phenomenon. I also had reiki done on me there and had an explerience very similiar to the sensations I feel when this happens in my dreams. A sudden surge of energy through my whole body and I tried to flow with it but the guy who was giving it to me was too busy asking me if I felt something, which brought me out of the state of mind. He felt sometthing in his hands the same time. So I know that this is real, or there is something to it. People laugh off all this 'nonsense' about reiki and chakras and auras, but I've seen enough to convince me. And contemporaries theories of life from a more subjective standpoint which views consciousness and life as a process, much like the Buddhists, fits right in with this model. Ever since then I have wanted to explore all this further, but I had to come back and live in the stupid fucking shit hole of a island, and get a job, and live up to my responsibiities. Any kind of spiritual transcendence I may have been able to explore then, it's too late now. I'm too old, and I've damaged my body from alcohol abuse. But at least I know there is something, there is a spiritual dimension, probably. My experiences stand up to thid as well as my knowledge of science.
all of my dreams are just the same as being awake, except they take place in a different kind of universe, where things work in different ways. its only because of those different ways that it is possible to know which one i am in. i don't know about any other kind of dreams then totally real ones. i've never experienced any kind of vagueness, or not being able to read things or any of that. its all just exactly the same as when i'm awake, except the laws of physics are different, and that includes a lot of being able to do things just psyonically too. some things have a variable chance of working, or how they work out, but they're all completely real all the time.