The dream was weird, people were dying around me, and it started with me meeting this amazingly beautiful girl and we got along really well, we then arranged to go to this event everyone was going to together the next day.. so next day i see her there, she ignores me and asks who the hell i am, she realy put me down and i looked like a really affected me for some reason and i woke up realllllly upset for some reason.. i then fell back to sleep and the dream continued, but now everyone at the event was being murdered.. it was so weird.. I stopped smoking ciggaretts about 2 months ago and ever since iv been having vivid dreams and actually remembering them,where as before this wasnt the case. This one particular dream even though may not sound like much really affected my day and my mood I took 20mg Oxyzepam and im feeling goooood now, goona go have a shower and smoke a nice orange bud blunt
DMT is the cause of dreams... But erm, yeah I have weird dreams too. Do you eat close to bedtime? Digestive work/distress can cause weird dreams. Could be a social unease thing like confidence or whatever, but it could also just be eating too close to bed. The body is weird like that!
well last night i had 3 slices of toast with melted cheese.. i think cheese is meant to cause bad dreams b4 bed?
I seriously thought I was the only one who had bad/bizarre dreams that weird me out the whole next day, until I saw this thread.
Meh, iv been feeling down all day, its like 2am now i still havent recovered to my proper self yet, what a poo sunday
i've had a lot of fucked up dreams, but i don't think any of them has ever had an effect on my mood the next day.
such events have happened infamously in real life. several in south and central america within recent decades, and going back many more, and there was one in india before it was granted independence. political rallies should never be held in sports stadiums as a reasonable precaution.
Hmmm, exactly as they are here/elsewhere. One was at a computer, busy trying to find connecting flights.. Another was at a desk. Busy studying hard. I was busy looking at these flying helicopters the size of ships.