Last Call for Evolution (All Sentient Souls Report for Duty)

Discussion in 'Activism' started by CosmicDreamSerpent, Mar 12, 2010.

  1. CosmicDreamSerpent

    CosmicDreamSerpent Member

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    Brothers & Sisters, fellow beings of light..., Souls of Timeless Beauty & Infinite Love.... Might you grant me the opportunity to share a message that has recently come to me through Spirit & The Embodiment of the Planetary Consciousness, the Great Mother Gaia.

    It is perhaps easy to forget that time is continuing to proceed in a linear fashion when one is busy enjoying the frivolous luxuries and comforts provided by the current soul-binding manifestations of the collective dream, often referred to as "The Great Machine", "The Matrix", "Babylon" or the "The Prison of Lost Souls".

    As many of you are aware, we are now moving closer and closer to the End (& Subsequent Beginning) of THE GREAT CYCLE, as we near the completion of the 26,000 year Precession of the Equinoxes cycle that is demonstrated within the Mayan calender, along with other correlating cultural & cosmological Sign Posts. This will be the catalyst for a global transformation of a scale so grand that it can not be known by any one piece of this life.

    The current establishment has infused calculated programming within the collective consciousness in an attempt to make us forget our true nature. Through the use of fear tactics and the propagation of misinformation they have tried to deny the fact that we are nearing a global transformation of such significant importance. As a result, people are being kept in states of stagnancy, anxiety, & complacency that keep them from fully accepting the circumstances we now find ourselves in, preventing us from taking the necessary responsibility required to make any lasting changes. When you open your eyes and really look around, is it not hard to see that we are living in a society that is decaying? Is it not obvious that the world as we know it is standing at the brink of it's own destruction?

    These distortions and repressions of the truth are designed to prevent souls from taking responsibility for their own evolution. Let this serve as a wake up call for all Illuminated souls that have temporarily forgotten their purpose and strayed away from their true nature... Let this message stir something deep within yourself that longs to remember the Sacred way of living that has been so utterly forgotten in this world.

    Let us all remember why we incarnated on this planet, let us remember why we chose to be here at this particular point in time. We all have an extremely critical role to play in the evolution of our species. The Great Transformation is already underway, and those who are paying attention can already see the changes occurring with increasing acceleration.

    The current paradigm-of-mind has been afflicted with a tremendous disease, and as a result the greater majority of our species has become a toxic influence on our environment. Much like a virus that multiplies and proceeds to infect and destroy more and more of it's host. We have become parasites within the constitution of the planetary entity, Mother Gaia.

    No longer can we afford to allow ourselves to feed into the old dream of humanity that has so ruthlessly degraded and disrespected the Sacred life-force. We have poisoned our water and our air, we have turned our forests into concrete, our roads have become chains around the Great Mother that bind her..., but not for much longer! The planet will heal itself, like any organism that is afflicted with a toxin, there will be a natural cleansing process. All of these things will be taken away... and they are so very temporary in the grand scheme of things - such is the law of nature, the law of impermanence. Our civilization is just a flicker of time within the much grander life-span of Mother Gaia.

    For those of you that are interested in continuing the evolution of our species so that we may further experience the ecstatic joy of being alive, this means it is time to get your act together! Now is the time to embrace the earth as our mother and re-establish our connection with the earth as a living being. We must remember how to live harmoniously with life, for all life is sacred. We must take the responsibility for our own destiny as we consciously create our future together. We must co-operate with one another and learn to simplify our lives, letting go of all that which is no longer needed...

    We must remember our true nature as Divine Beings of Light. We must constantly work to see beyond the veils of illusion. That great fog which hides our radiant splendor from ourselves must be transcended so that we may always see clearly! Through the power & Grace of Spirit, through the Love of all we may unify our being and receive the necessary strength required to overcome any obstacle that is presented before us.

    It is so very easy to get dragged down into the collective nightmare of Babylon when one is so intensively ingrained in it, so utterly reliant on it... when one has been so thoroughly programmed - We must wake up from this nightmare of a dream! We must dream our own dream, The Old Mind no longer serves us, so let it die!

    Allow yourself to expand beyond these narrow minded conceptions that dominate the society. Money, Comfort, Greed, Instant-Gratification, Endless cycles of Consumerism, Sexual & Emotional Repression, Vicarious Living, Soul-Numbing-Chemicals, Prisons, , Toxic Water, Poisonous Food, 9-5 Jobs, and Atomic Bombs! None of these things are needed, these are some of the many mechanisms through which the society keeps us enslaved in their corrupted dream. All of these things must be transcended. If you don't play the game, then the rules will no longer apply.

    The time for healing is NOW. It is time we learn to take full responsibility for the reality we have collectively manifested. We must first heal ourselves, then we must help to heal each other, and only then may we aid the planet in it's healing. Perhaps then we can unlock the infinite potential hidden deep within the confines of our latent DNA, perhaps then we can reclaim our divine birth right as we live in absolute harmony with all. Each and every one of us have extraordinary gifts to share with the world, they must simply be given a fertile environment in which they may blossom into their full potential.

    I am eternally grateful for this opportunity to share with you all, thank you for your attention & receptiveness of this transmission.

    Much Love to all

    In Lak'Ech, I am another yourself.
  2. blackcat666

    blackcat666 Senior Member

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    so, what else is new?



  3. SucculentFlower

    SucculentFlower earthfirst!

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    O hey Brother, sorry to bust your bubble but where ya been already? Waiting for you to join us in the world wide wobble, aloha.

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