What's the difference between the two? Silly question, i know. But i am curious as to how women differentiate between the two.
Well, it's both really. There is an actual definition of alpha/beta, and then there's characteristics that women (and men also) look for to determine someone's alpha/beta status that may or may not actually give an accurate answer as to which a person really is.
I agree. But when doing so they're generally not busy with the actual definitions or literal concepts. It's intuitive or i guess primarily instinct, so they're not deciding what's alpha or beta. Now i typed this out I'm thinking maybe I took TD's question too literally
I'll answer your question in a non-PC way. Alpha men are manly men. They are real men. Beta men are wimps/pussies. (and most beta men like to be known as wimps)
I've noticed what is "alpha" to men and women are very different. Absolutely women like confidence in a man but men often worry so much about proving this to to other men they overdo it. So much they to loose the kind and caring part of them that women also like since it's not manly to care. In general any men who says he is alpha is not, he is insecure so he says to seem like he's not. Think of it like this does a lion have to prove anything? No, it's the thing it eats that has to bluff you and make you think it's so tough. If you don't fall for that you eat the prey. Real alpha is the confidence of the lion not the stress of the prey.