I’ve been hearing that the Koch brothers as well as other wealthy donors are backing away from their support for the tea party movement and presumably they will also stop funding it? Is this true or just a trick to stop them getting some blame? I wonder if the movement has its own momentum and can find the funding or will it collapse without wealthy backers?
The Decline of the Tea Party By BRUCE BARTLETT “It’s too soon to say for sure, but recent events suggest that some of those previously supporting the Tea Party have had their Harvard library moment. There are signs of a pushback among the wealthy, conservative elites and the business community that may see the political pendulum begin to swing back toward the middle. No one particular event seems to have created this moment. The government shutdown is one, the impending Republican loss in the Virginia governor’s race is another, and so is the dawning recognition that the right-wing war on the poor and glorification of profits and wealth may have gone too far.” http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/11/05/the-decline-of-the-tea-party/?_r=0
In Virginia, longtime GOP donors and supporters have walked away from Cuccinelli, a hard-core conservative who marched to the regressive beat of the tea party. Polls showed an increasing number of Republicans viewing Cuccineli as a prime example of the extremism that now defines the party. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which spent $973,000 four years ago promoting the campaign of Republican candidate Bob McDonnell, did nothing for Cuccinelli this year. At last count, 27 of the 43 donors who gave $50,000 or more to McDonnell gave nothing to Cuccinelli. “He didn’t get the money,” says Virginia political strategist Bob Holsworth. http://www.capitolhillblue.com/node/50140/comment-page-1
LOL. Why are brits , non-citizens of the US , concerned? One would think , with the threat of islamification , sharia and PIGS that the brits would be stressing enough. Re: fiscally right wing America ; yes, the wealthy are leaving the scene of the accident. Unlike euros we (successful . self made American business investors) detest the spineless , collectivist mentality. oby is a euro. A socialist. He has ruined our great nation with a collectivist mentality. Successful Americans re the Kochs are dropping out. Going tax free. Sure, spread the socialist bullshit , but without us.
The Koch brothers. Aren't they the one's illegally dumping waste in Detroit? http://rt.com/usa/koch-tar-waste-piles-chicago-285/ They are a perfect example of the flawed system we have. They probably backed out when they realized (unlike people believe,) Libertarians would want them to be punished in ways that are not currently excersized. For example, people are having breathing problems; Koch should be responsible for EVERY person that gets sick, their medical bills and, the greater clean-up. Instead, our government doesn't punish them at all; Of course they're re-evaluating their alliance. They're not going to pay someone to lessen their profits...
When the desire for MORE AND MORE AND MORE becomes the main focus in life--I think it could be considered psychotic. Ayn Rand was a stupid hypocritical, avaricious, ****.
LOL. Carpe Diem. We choose our destiny. Revenue Sharing = Class Envy. IMO , Rand has probably offered the best objectivist argument for individual Liberty. I sir , am a Randian Cultist.
Just like in the story of Dr. Frankenstein, the monster has turned against his creator. Tea Party grassroots supporters and their elected politicians don't give a fuck about the ultra-wealthy, who invented this movement to help the Republican Party, not devour it. But...the monster is out of the laboratory, so the change of heart may have come too late.
Doubt it. Just like obycare ; obamunism will implode. Sadly ; too late. The Tea Party performed their function and were successful. Few patriotic republicans are left. Paul and Cruz . One thing for sure , the successful are being scared away. As we can see with obycare ; you can't rob peter...........
These Statements make no sense in that order. "More and more and more" being insane, I can agree with. But I associate that with mainstream Republicans, Democrats and, some Liberals. Libertarians want total freedom, unless it causes harm on another individual. I don't know Ayn Rand as a person, so I can't really argue. But on behalf of Freedom Lovers who align with the Tea Party; A big and invasive government has caused these problems, and every other Political Party's solution is to expand the government. It just doesn't make sense, and, that's why I see Democrats and Republicans as being the same thing. Cause no matter who wins, the government always gets bigger, and wastes more money. Whether it is Humanitarian spending or, war spending, doesn't really make a difference. They need to keep our military powerful because we are forcing or manipulating people to take fake paper money, in exchange for oil and other assets. That is because Nixon "suspended" the transfer of dollars-to-gold and "shut the vault." So the country was, essentially bankrupted. If it wasn't for Nixon doing that, virtually every country would've asked for their gold back, and the US would be bankrupt. However, it was a dishonest move, by a dishonest man; Those Countries bought into the dollar, assuming they could receive their gold back. The financial peril that we are facing, is due to: our Monetary Policy, Fractional Reserve Banking , government/business manipulation of the stock market and, of course, decades of Undeclared or Unconstitutional "wars" abroad. So what is the problem with: Shrinking government, living within our means, holding government accountable and, focusing our hard earned wealth locally? To me, it is better than now, where my taxes in MI are going to go to teachers plastic surgery in NY. (this is just an example, but teachers in NY do receive plastic surgery, on the tax payers money.) But do you have a grudge against Libertarian Principles? And if so, then why? I think it is the most logical party, due to the circumstances we're in. We're not the "More, More, More," party, in the least. We want less government invasion of our privacy and Rights. For the Record, I don't totally align with the tea party, I'm more Libertarian than angry republican. Alot of them are crazies, but, they actually grasp the real problems more than the OWS crowd, Democrats and, most Liberals. Who all essentially want to expand government, and keep the transfer of wealth rolling.
Oh my lovely RIP you’re always guaranteed to come up with the most pointless and ill informed replies, I salute you, on your total inability to study or learn, you are quite the model of a right wing acolyte. Why would non-Americans be concerned by what shape the US government actions? Come on man try and think about it, go on concentrate really hard…. Oh well, I’ll try and explain – it’s been said that if America sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold. People can argue over the ‘decline’ of US influence but it is still a major influence in the world, what happens in the US can have major repercussions around the world. * As to your rant on Europe well we have been through that and its very clear you don’t have a clue what you are talking about.
25 The problem with this being – what do you define as ‘harm’ and that while an action may not cause direct harm it can cause indirect harm. As I’ve pointed out and explained many time right wing libertarian ideas would (and do) cause a great deal of harm to many people. Oh for fuck sake – I have hundreds of ‘grudges’ against right wing libertarian ideas pick virtual any of the threads I’ve spent time in and they are there often laid out at length and in detail - and its not just me that has criticisms - the problem is that NO right wing libertarian seems capable of defending their ideas from criticisms in any rational or reasonable way. All we ever seem to get from them is assertions followed by evasions, and 25 you are one of the main culprits.
25 Nixon didn’t have much choice, the problem was a deeply flawed system which was the fault of the big mistakes made by the American negotiators at Bretton Wood. In my view if the US had actually followed the Keynes plan at Bretton Wood rather that imposing their own half arsed version then things might have been very different. In 1960 Robert Triffin testified before the United States Congress warning of serious flaws in the Bretton Woods system… It was largely ignored until 1971, when his hypothesis became reality, forcing US President Richard Nixon to halt convertibility of the United States dollar into gold, an event with consequences known as the Nixon Shock. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Triffin Also at the time the US was beginning to feel the problems of being engaged in a long, expensive (and unwinnable) war in South East Asia (which it refused to fund through taxation).
Yes but can the monster survive without regular doses of electricity? If the money goes elsewhere has it the economic base to carry on? I mean as often raised on the forum American politics all too often boils down to money. But let us look at a few what ifs… The tea party continues to dominate the RP and more and more people realise that they’re loons and stops voting Republican. Well there is something worse than a two party state and that’s a one party state. The TP nutters splits from the RP and sets up on its own (and slowly dies). The RP goes back to centre-right and a return to the old status quo. So nothing changes and the problems in the system are not fixed. Some other shade of the above.
Balbus , 4 letters. P I G S . You seem to think so highly of yourself , super mod. LOL. Where is your cape?
Oh my poor little RIP, can you actually put together a coherent reply to the issues raised or is that really beyond you?
The list of euro fails ; P = Portugal I = Italy G = Greece S= Spain B = britan? Whom will be the next socialist empire to be buried in a pauper's grave? LOL.