Some just don’t get it. It’s really not hard, but some folks need examples of how this should be achieved
Breaking the chain of herd immunity is only going to result in more deaths in the second and third wave of the respiratory infection otherwise known as covid-19..
Yeah. I just read that if we stop doing all this stuff too soon such as washing hands, and staying 6 feet apart, not going to stores when we don't need to, we risk combining the forces of flu season with coronavirus. We have a chance to stop it though.
What about starting with 1 foot, 12 inches Do you have anything 12 inches long to show us how far 6 times that is? And in 4 X high definition preferably Giggidy giggidy
Some great ideas from you and a few other members. They would be great on TV. It would certainly be more memorable and get the message home a lot better. Now you can see what makes me a real NUTTY professor and how I prefer to get my points across.