Just out of curiosity....

Discussion in 'Lesbian' started by PurpleBlue87, May 19, 2014.

  1. PurpleBlue87

    PurpleBlue87 Member

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    ....how many of you ladies have never been with a man? I haven't and I know only 2 other lesbians who haven't. Is it weird?
  2. silk896

    silk896 Member

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    I certainly have. I'm a Mum!
    just about every girl I've been with has done so as well.
    Peer/social/parental pressure/expectation is an amazing thing.
  3. Melesbia

    Melesbia Member

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    I was with more men in total before I came out than women since. Only because of the way I was raised, I didn't even know that LGBTQ people existed, let alone that I could be one actually be one. I planned all throughout my childhood that I was going to get married in a church and had all five of my kid's names picked out by 9th grade. I was a virgin until 18. I slept with about 12 ish guys in 18 months and then my best friend convinced me to sleep with her (we were roommates raising her kids) and my whole life changed. Now I AM married with a kid, but to a woman. We have been together for almost 18 years. So I think that women are lucky who know at a young age and can be "gold star lesbians". But I would not trade my journey for anything because it brought me exactly where I want to be!
  4. Angie_DelaMesa

    Angie_DelaMesa Guest

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    Yeah I've only recently tipped my women to men ratio over 1:1, at 5:4 currently and was married to a man for 4 years. It started falling apart after we had a group sex thing and I couldn't stop thinking about the woman in the group. Since then I've found I'm genuinely more into women both sexually and emotionally. Most lesbians I've met have been with men, that's why the stigma against it when I bring it up really annoys me and also why I'm glad there are people here now to tell you it's not out of the ordinary.
  5. mishell

    mishell Member

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    I have only been with one guy and that was when I was 17 and it didn't last long....since then I have only dated girls and all of them much older than me.
  6. BeachBall

    BeachBall Nosey old moo

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    I have always known that I was only interested in women. I have never had any kind of sexual attraction to men, and have never had sex (or even any kind of physical intimacy) with a man.

    But I don't believe in this "gold star lesbian" shit.

    We are who we are; and in the LGBT sphere what matters, more than anything, is that we all stick together and present a good example of tolerance and acceptance to the rest of the world. Some people know all their life; some people know but are subject to social pressures that make it difficult for them to acknowledge it or act upon it; some people only find out later in life; and some poor souls never find out, but just go through life feeling awkward and uncomfortable with their situation for some ill-defined reason that they can't put their finger on. That's the way it is. But it doesn't make one group "better" than the other lot. It's differences ... that's all it is. And LGBT folk should be celebrating - and encouraging others to celebrate - difference, rather than putting others down for being different. Because we are ALL different from mainstream society; and our greatest need is to bring to an end the endemic culture of putting US down (or worse) because we are different.

    So we need to lead by example, and abandoning the self-awarding of divisive "gold stars" would be a damn good place to start.

    (Gosh - I never realized quite how passionately I felt about this issue, until I started writing that!)
  7. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Hell nawwh, nope not me. I got dared to touch a penis once. I poked it. >.<
    There are actually males I'm attracted to.. But that doesn't mean I'm going to sleep with them at all. I've been expressing myself much more sexually and socially these days and I've paired with hetero couples with the wife wanting to explore her sexuality with a female. The husband has watched and gotten close to me, touched me... That's as far as it's gone and I'm still uncertain as to how I feel about it.

    My fiancé, never been with a man. Never touched a man. Does not find them appealing whatsoever. She's not a man hater but uhmm boys should treat her as an associate or friend only.
  8. Shakti_Om

    Shakti_Om Local Pixie

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    I've been with a couple of guys. I've children, those I don't regret at all. For me I think it was a lack of confidence in life and a drive to have a family. At the time I did not consider a family with another woman practical or possible.

    I certainly don't feel the sexual attraction to men like I do women. I admire guys and think 'oh he's cool' or 'he's got a good look', but not the gut twisting emotions I have for women.

    My partner she's never been with a guy. Would not even consider it, in fact the whole thought of sex with a guy from her point of view is repulsion.

    Shayla x
  9. erzebet1961

    erzebet1961 Senior Member

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    I have , I wanted children and didnt know about the turkey baster thing. Its not that difficult to lay there and think of something else long enough to get the job done......you just gotta grit your teeth and ingore the urge to yell at them to hurry up and get it over with for gods sake.
    Isla Rose likes this.
  10. PurpleBlue87

    PurpleBlue87 Member

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    Hahaha that's something I would probably do as well :2thumbsup: I'm just like your fiance :)
  11. Readingtimewithpickle

    Readingtimewithpickle Members

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    No, I haven't, I was never interested, since puberty I knew I wasn't interested in guys, I didn't realise right away that I was into women, but looking back, now that I know I'm gay it makes sense that I was never interested in guys and that my interest in women wasn't just admiration, but actual attraction. I've only had a couple of gfs so far though. I'm a bit apart from the lesbian community right now, I used to hang out with lesbians some years ago but then they all followed their own routes and I haven't seen them in a while, I need to make a new group of lesbian friends. I'll start by attending a diversity parade that will take place here in Montevideo in three days, let's see what happens.

  12. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Nope not me.

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