My thoughts have now changed about Trump now That I see some of the thingsthat he said. Big businessman are even worse liars than politicians. I like to be proactive. Impeach Trump! make this go viral!
That's those 3rd party comments I was talking about. Wouldn't trust a word of what comes from people here. They are known to post from sites that are pure facades that only promote their own negative agendas.
I do, I have just isolated myself for the last couple years. Trying to break out of my shell see what the Hells going on in the world.
You were probably much better off than the rest of us then. Those of us that have stayed glued to what's going on with the Trump administration- are losing are minds right now!
I know I already didn’t like him because he was a businessman. Especially corporate business man step on the little people to get where they are
I already know the news and politicians suck. It just seems like a waste a time. But someone said to me the other day, that is better to be caught up with what’s going on the world. Not so sure, makes me feel doomed.
Trump Organization wasn't incorporated. It was a real estate business that he inherited from his dad, and tanked a few times. Fortunately our bankruptcy laws make it almost impossible for billionaires to go broke. One reality show later and he's President. And that's why America's the greatest country on earth. You can grow up to be anything provided you're born with a few hundred million dollars inheritance. Without any qualifications or redeeming personality traits whatsoever.
I don't see how Trump is any worse than any other president in recent history. I laugh at those who think Obama, Bush, Clinton and Daddy Bush were any better. These people are/were complete scum.
Personally I feel you should go back to not caring or paying attention because you're substiting your bliss for the opinions of people who literally wake up everyday to post political negativity on internet forums and social media, this is what they believe they have going for them in life. And they've already brain washed you. One post alone on HF has changed your mind lol. That's fucken pez, bro. Go back to your old ways.
Well yeah, but you believe they were running pedophile rings with the pope when they weren't busy spreading mind control chemicals from jets. A low bar's all I'm saying.
I wouldn't say a nasty thing about you, Mel. Plus your response was not political it was... Economical reasons and business related. Don't mind me I'm off with fairies atm. I don't even believe in a lot of what I post either lol.