What would you do if your favorite beverages were made to come from a tank at a filling station? I mean you could have anything from water to JD going out the thing and use your gas card and fill up a beverage car, van, or etc. (The same set up as used for buying gas only you buy drinks instead.) Just think, ginger ale by the gallon or a tank of coffee. (You'll have a separate tank for gas so that the car, van or etc. could move. How does this sound to you?
Thank You, I try to put some thought into my ideas lol. I actually see potential with this one. Just think, all the drinks you want and no bottles.
how would we drink it. . . sip it out of the tank with a straw? also, why are you only able to create new threads on certain areas of this of web foruM>?
Hell Yea I’d fill the beverage tank up with whiskey sours, pick up a bunch of 18–20 year old girls at the roller rink and go raise some hell out on the interstate!
Hmm...I think that maybe we could rig up some kind of straw system to go from the tank to the back of our seats and then we could sip on it while driving! Sort of along the same lines as the beer-dispensing plastic helmet, which is an amazing invention in and of itself.
I heard of people sloring booze in their winow washer fluid container, and brining a straw in from that. Heard that at an AA meeting actually.
i heard that somewhere (i think ottawa/hull area maybe) that there's a liquor store that has pumps like that set up already. you drive thru and fill up just like at a gas station. i dont know if you bring your own bottles, or if they provide them for you. it sounded weird to me--i havent actually seen it, was just told about it by someone i know who knew someone who'd been there.