Now that I've used opiates on and off for some time I find some of the stereotypes of junkies in the media to be less true and some have been reinforced. I found with myself whenever I'm using I end up putting on 15 pounds seemingly instantaneously. I guess from the combination of never shitting and craving nothing but junk food. The only time I've ever heard of fat junkies is the designer Marc Jacobs. The people I've seen at methadone clinics are usually pretty out of shape looking. Maybe it's the associated sicknesses with using like Hep C/HIV that give the classic gaunt junkie look? I wonder how all those famous punks and rock stars remained skinny if they had a regular habit. One of the stereotypes I've found to be true is never trust a junkie ever. Ha. They will rob or steal and do the most petty shit. It's like every positive stereotype about stoners in reverse. At the same time I think there are a good chunk or maybe a majority of opiate addicted people who are seemingly normal and have a regular job. Do you think opiates fundamentally change the morality of its user or were those people morally flawed to begin with? Is crime the product of the drug or poverty?
I think crime is the product of poverty. If you can afford to shoot smack.. you'll do it all day without bothering anyone. I know a lot of junkies. Most of them are beggars. Where i work I see a lot of benzo heads and the methadone heads. they are kinda skinny. I have never seen a fat junkie. I knew a chick years ago (prostitute) who was shooting methadone. and she was the skinniest girl ever. I think opiates can change your personality. as weed can change your personality, and coke ,and acid etc...
People change because being dope sick is a powerful thing. The pain causes people to compromise their morals. But I think with many addicts they still feel bad about what they are doing. It is just it would feel worse to be in withdrawal.
You see some of them will steal from their friends cuz it's easy. It doesn't take as much balls as to jook somebody on the street or something, and they can always throw doubt or uncertainty into the matter, because, well ur friends and friends don't steal from friends so it must have been that new guy that was around the night the shit came up missing that never comes around no more cuz the friend that he came with has no idea of his whereabouts but insists that it had to be him
I agree with Ace fully! Ive also met a lot of junkies who would rather be dope sick then steal from someone else. Lots with normal jobs you would never guess. The weight thing is strange. I always loose a few pounds while on a run.
Yeah, I have never stolen anything. I shoot H, coke and smoke weed and do benzos. I have a successful business and never had a problem with scoring or maintaining at work.
I've been dopesick plenty of times but I was never tempted to steal or do anything bad to get another hit. I'm sure there are people with bigger habits who have been more dopesick than me but I don't think it's that serious. It's not like you're drowning and need air. It's literally a type of sickness like that name implies and like other sicknesses it will pass. Times when I knew I was going to run out I planned accordingly by weening myself off or having meds ready to ease the wd. I've even gotten dopesick when I had money to buy more and chose to suffer through it.
Good on you polishman. I'm sure the majority of people are like yourself. There have been times I thought I looked fine and other people have told me I look fucked up. It's actually kind of embarrassing now that I think about it. I wonder how many people wondered if I was on dope.
I think I agree as well. I'm sure if there was dope given in a medical setting in the states it would greatly reduce crime."]Heroin-Assisted Treatment Program - YouTube What do you guys think about a program like that in the states. Sometimes I'm kind of glad something like that is not available here because it would be so irresistible to use dope if it was available like that. I wonder if in some sort of utopian society where all drug use was decriminalized would more people end up using opiates and end up getting hooked.
I don't get how one could lose weight if one is never shitting. I suppose if someone was really forgoing food completely but I seem to gain weight rapidly. Maybe it's just me.
OH MY GOD thank you for that vid. I just talked with a girl from Aarhus.. I was about to visit her this weekend but the whole thing was delayed. I'm gonna check out that heroin place!!! if they give it to foreigners too I might start doin it!! why not!!
I lost 70lbs after 9 months of Oxy/Opana use, 274 down to 204. I was 17 the last time I weighed 204. Been two years since last use and didn't gain any while on Subs, got off Subs a year ago and I've put 28lbs back on. When using I never felt like eating, sometimes going 2 days without anything but lifesavers, lol, how ironic is that!