Joke about blowjobs

Discussion in 'Oral Sex' started by Mr. Man, Nov 8, 2020.

  1. Mr. Man

    Mr. Man Member

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    One of my female cor-workers sent me and others a joke about blowjobs. It goes like this:

    Q. Everyone knows that the stork is the bird that delivers babies. But what kind of bird keeps babies away?
    A. A swallow!
    cindy94, BoyToy69 and anythingonce like this.
  2. Slutty Sue

    Slutty Sue Visitor

    2 sperm cells are constantly on the booze & drugs & not at all interested in reproducing. They have seen countless sperm sell come & go.
    One day over a few beers they realized that they are getting older & may not be as potant as they once were. They decided to get fit & give up the piss & drugs in favor of a more healthier life style. After weeks of going to the gym & working out they are super fit & ready for the big event. One day the call goes out that its game on, being super fit they rush forward. The the screams of the sperms up front come back, "STOP, STOP GO BACK ITS A BLOW JOB"
    Andy Schumer, cindy94 and BoyToy69 like this.
  3. Python 8

    Python 8 Members

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    So I asked a girl I worked with.....
    " Do you know the difference between a Big Mac and a blowjob ?"
    She said " No"
    I said " what are you doing for lunch ? "
  4. Andy Schumer

    Andy Schumer Members

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    Sort of fitting with the thread.

    Q. Why do blondes like tilt steering wheels?
    A. More head room.

    Politically incorrect?
    Bicaptain My Captain likes this.
  5. Python 8

    Python 8 Members

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    Crap , you mean we're supposed to be on here ?
  6. Andy Schumer

    Andy Schumer Members

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    I didn’t sign a clause of PC when joining HF
    Python 8 likes this.

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