John Ashcroft vs. Rape Porn: 1st Ammendment case ruling and winner is...

Discussion in 'Women's Forum' started by dotadave, Jan 25, 2005.

  1. dotadave

    dotadave Member

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    I have mixed feelings on this. Rape porn is not fucking cool in my book. It's offensive to me and if I happen to stumble upon it while looking for something else its a huge turn off.
    Hell, even beatiality fetishes aren't this bad. That said, these aren't snuff films, what is depicted in them are simulated rapes between consenting actors and I would rather someone with this perverse fetish to get off on this than trying it for real. I think its protect speech. There have been many movies (and even a simpsons episode) featuring simulated rape and it would be impossible to separate legitimate artwork from so called pornography. Then there is the privacy issue. When people do this in private, its not really the governments business to tell them not to.

    What do you think?
  2. juggla

    juggla Member

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    rape porns not bad, its not like the chicks are actually getting raped its all acting.
  3. Sera Michele

    Sera Michele Senior Member

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    I think it is extremely distasteful and I think that the people that get off to this stuff have issues they need to work through.

    That being said, I am extremely supportive to someone's right to privacy. I feel like our right to privacy is slowly being stripped away (the supreme court just ruled it legal to use drug dogs for any traffic stop) and it appals me. If protecting simulated rape porn is what I have to put up with to protect our freedoms and civil liberties, then it's fine by me.
  4. Applespark

    Applespark Ingredients:*Sugar*

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    Whatever people manifest their energies in that's what the world will be like.
    Rape isn't funny and when taken lightly creates more of the same.

    The drug dog that's really over the line. In my opinion. That's like saying hay forget asking you if we can search your car and letting you abide by the laws and say I do not consent...our dogs give you no choice in the matter.
  5. Sera Michele

    Sera Michele Senior Member

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    Not to mention all money has trace amounts of cocaine on them...and drug dogs have a very high rate of inaccuracy.
  6. Maggie Sugar

    Maggie Sugar Senior Member

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    This is not the first time snuff films have been ruled obscene and have been controlled by the government.

    I'd like to see something which substantiates this. MANY serial killers, especially sadistic, torture killers, have admitted they used films like these to get hyped for their crimes and to give them ideas and to desensitize them to the brutality. In many studies, even normal people get desensitized to torture of womyn when shown films like these.

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