You didn't know? Quite ironic to think that the world is celebrating the birth of a guy who 2000 years ago was using cannabis to heal people, yet it's still illegal mostly everywhere.
'almost certain a canabis user'.. Hilarious. What a bias article, not a suprise of course since there's a topic made every once in awhile about the mentioning of herbs and oils in the bible that states it has to be cannabis. I'm sorry, it could have been something else just as easily. Not conclusive or almost certain at all.
So what specific parts in the scriptures made it almost certain that it was cannabis? By the way: Mr Bennet should get a job at comedy central :biggrin:
Are you for real? Does it not all begin to make sense when you think about it? Surprised there are so many arguing against the hypothesis.
No, I can see how the things are linked to gether but it does not make it certain at all. It only seems plausible for people who like it to be so. But the fact of the matter seems the scriptures don't make it apparent at all... And how in earth does it make serious sense to see people who's job involves arresting potsmokers as antichristian? Hey Jesus, turned water into wine too, that must make wine holy right? Doesn't that make all beer drinkers satanists? <-- same logic
It is possible to turn water into wine. First you need a vineyard, then some rain, then some time. People have been doing this all over the world for centuries. The evidence in support of this hypothesis to me is reasonably conclusive. Cannabis is a very powerful healing oil, and it makes perfect sense for me to conclude that the miraculous healing powers that Jesus allegedly had are simply exaggerations of this that have evolved through time.
But it does not make wine holy or beerdrinkers antichristian. This is all very obvious perhaps but I mean it counts in the same way for saying people that are against weed or persecuting its users are the antichrist or antichristian since just because Jesus might have used cannabis oil (if he did) it doesn't make weed a more christian thing or something. I just don't see the logic. But you can explain it to me if it made sense to you.
You didn't explain what I asked for. You explained that water can be turned into wine. And that if cannabis was used by Jesus to heal (which is not sure at all) it could be considered christian thus people that are against it could be considered antichristian, at least I think that is what you were saying? But like I said, wine is not considered more christian as beer so neither is there a reason why weed would be, and so neither to consider people that are against it antichristian. I don't get why you think Bennet's conclusion about those people being antichristian makes sense. Please explain? Thanks in advance
Skib, I was just joking around with the pic. I think you have a good thread and I can see your side of this topic, but I agree with Asmo. I didn't want you to think I was shooting down your thread. Everyone has an opinion. There are so many opinions here that sometimes it is a fight to justify your own.
I just saw some study where they are taking out the hallusionagenics and leaving the healing products. How great will that be.
I like to nitpick like Odon sometimes indeed to make it apparent it is not so certain at all. In fact it is mainly wishful thinking like how cool is it that Jesus used cannabis to heal man!? I asked those questions because if you could actually answer them with certainty I could be convinced Since you don't make a serious effort in explaining why it is so certain I am confirmed in what was obvious in the first place. edit: pic too big
Scripture contains remarks about someone turning water into wine instantly and raising people from the dead. Yet people are shocked by the notion that the same person may have used pot. People have faith in scripture and the most outrageous accounts it may contain. Notions that are far more plausible in the real world are not believable, according to believers, because they are not explicitly in scripture. If it is written, believe the unbelievable. If scripture contained a story about someone turning palm leaves into cannabis and healing people with it, even raising them from the dead with it, then believers wouldn't have any doubt.