It irritates me when people don't like my baby pictures on facebook and instagram.

Discussion in 'The Whiners' started by tuesdaystar, Dec 27, 2013.

  1. tuesdaystar

    tuesdaystar Interneter

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    I'm not one to get all butthurt over petty crap all the time, but I get annoyed with my friends for not liking the pictures of my adorable baby.

    Ok, I know how it sounds. I just can't help it. I just feel this way.

    And I'm not talking about my 300 "closest" internet friends, I'm talking about my actual friends and my fucking family members, my aunts and uncles that have never even seen my baby in person....

    Oh those right-wing teabagging fuckers hate my political views, that has to be the reason. Even my cousin who had a baby like 2 weeks before me. I like her pictures all the time and comment on them. I've gotten ZERO from her ever.

    People love pictures of pets and foods and vain pretty girls photographing themselves, why not my adorable perfect baby?!?!?!?!


    GLENGLEN Banned

    Likes Received:
    Perhaps The Fact Is Your Bub Is Butt Ugly, So Why Not

    Post A Pic Here And Let The Members Comment...:).

    I "Double Dog Dare You"...[​IMG]

    Cheers Glen.
  3. tuesdaystar

    tuesdaystar Interneter

    Likes Received:
    He's fucken gorgeous

    Why won't this damn flickr link work?


    GLENGLEN Banned

    Likes Received:

    Just As I Suspected, That Is The Ugliest Baby I Have

    Ever Seen...:eek:............................................................[​IMG].


    Cheers Glen.
  5. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon Member

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    Cute kid. I would like it. But if you're posting them all the time, yeah I'd imagine I'd stop liking them after awhile.
  6. TAZER-69

    TAZER-69 Listen To Your Heart! Lifetime Supporter

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    He is cute I would like your post but I am out of them for now. I will be back latter.. PS His mom is cute also.

    Glen is just jealous.
  7. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    LOL, no its you. Dont worry, you'll get there. First couple times with those around you its adorable.

    Once you get to like 100 times, then its like jesus fucking christ - "Guess what everybody, my precious little angel took her first dump by herself today, I'm the proudest mum in the world" - woo hooooo

    You only really give a shit about your kid cos of those chemicals running around you brain.....and elsewhere, once they subside and you kid grows up and isnt as cute anymore you'll be like the rest
  8. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    It irritates me when people think I want to see new pictures of their kid every day.
  9. TipsyGypsy

    TipsyGypsy Light of a Fading Star

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    I never like baby photos. They all look alike to me.
    But, he is a cute little baby.
  10. McFuddy

    McFuddy Visitor

    Agreed. I mean once I've seen a few pictures I know what it looks like now. It's not my fucking baby. It's funny, because this is something that actually annoys me about some new mothers on Facebook; the constant flood of photos of their kid and their expectation I should give a shit about each one.
  11. birdpics

    birdpics Member

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    It's cool that you're in love with your darling baby.
    I was smack-crazy over my two kids, but I didn't have to blow their horn..
    we were mobbed everywhere we went with people wanting to hold them. I was all selfish and wanted to hold them all the time myself
    (I waited until I was almost 30 years old to even start having kids),
    so had to make a list for church so people wouldn't get in a fight when it was their turn.

    But I'm all ga-ga over the adorable babies I see here in Thailand, take photos of them, squeal and play peek-a-boo in passing, and
    often repost my friends' baby photos on Facebook. I'm probably annoying to others but I don't care.

  12. pipgirl

    pipgirl Member

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    Your baby is indeed very cute! But if you post pictures or him every day, it gets really annoying after a while...
  13. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    He's cute. Every mom thinks their child is special. I have "friends" that post 10 pictures of their ugly kids every day. At that point I don't even like the parents anymore. I'm certainly not going to "like" every picture of their ugly kids and their unfortunate looking faces. It's got to be a really cute baby for me to look twice at it.
  14. *MAMA*

    *MAMA* Perfectly Imperfect

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    Cute kid, OP.

    I post pics of my kids... maybe once every week or two. They always get a lot of likes and comments because it's generally when they're doing something adorable or hilarious. As far as I'm concerned, my kids are part of me, therefore that's something I post about. If people don't like it, they can kindly fuck off :D.
  15. *MAMA*

    *MAMA* Perfectly Imperfect

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    Actually, I just checked and I've only posted about my kids 5 times since October 29th lol. I'd say that's reasonable. Also, one of those posts was about my 3 year old using the potty for the first time, which got 32 likes and 7 comments. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, kid post haters. :p

    Another was my one year old jumping on the couch and head banging while I had the misfits playing. I don't care who you are, that's cute as fuck..;)
  16. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    Perfectly acceptable. The girl I work with posts on average 15 pictures per day of her kids. They went to the zoo one time. I told her I felt like I was there with her. I saw every animal her kids saw. What's the point in that? I have one friend with 2 really ugly kids. She posts pictures all the damn time too. It loses the adorableness when its constant. One of my "friends" posts pictures of her oldest kid all the time. The other 3 get ignored. Kind of weird.
  17. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor


    When you are taking so many pictures of your children, can you really be enjoying the moment with them? Put the camera down and spend time with your little ones!
  18. tuesdaystar

    tuesdaystar Interneter

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    I realize this is a sort of general consensus and that my irritation is somewhat irrational. That's why it's only my closest friends and family members that never ever like or comment that agitate me.
  19. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    This girl is my hero. I laugh until I cry when I watch any of her videos. Not referencing the OP by any means."]That's an Ugly Baby... - YouTube

    EDIT: I've seen this video probably 30 times and I'm still crying from laughing so hard from watching it right now.
  20. *MAMA*

    *MAMA* Perfectly Imperfect

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    Wtf?? I have a friend with two ugly I feel so bad for saying that, but seriously, they are both not even a little cute. She deleted me the other day though, because I called her out for being a bigot. Now I don't have to see her gay hating/semi-racist Christian propaganda, or her unfortunate looking children. Double score :D.

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