It began about 3 years ago constant

Discussion in 'Christianity' started by HashtagInterested, Dec 26, 2019.

  1. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    Angels and demons, some uniting others continue to wreak havoc.

    Those who came together see great distances into tomorrow, while some exclude themselves from those they deem to be lesser than.

    The battle to save Jesus began the day he died, and yet he lives, and yet he's not here but there, and yet he's also here. 864 years until ... Completed. Will Jesus be saved and thereby be able to save those who depend on him?

    Some say hell no! But they have no idea that their lives depend on him being saved. Others say he doesn't need to be, but they are the ones at most risk.

    Less than a day until he's able to rise and a beautiful and peaceful and joyful world to be realized, or will they choose war and violence over joy and peace?

    864 years (less than a day). Will there be peace in the world?
  2. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    The true power of Christ is in saving us from our sins. He already gave us all we need! Now it's up to us to accept forgiveness. :neutral:
  3. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    Maybe for some, but not true for others. It's not as easy as letting Jesus pay for your sin's. It just isn't.
    soulcompromise likes this.
  4. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I think you have a point.

    But I think forgiveness is the message there.
  5. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    I'm thinking both rogue Angels and demons have our kind set for destruction. Probably because so many are so willing to demand our creator/s perfect child suffer and die for them to just to save their own lives. A truth that's umm ... Hard as steel for some.
  6. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    I think it's more difficult to forgive ourselves than others sometimes. How about you?
    soulcompromise likes this.
  7. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Because of inflation?
  8. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    Deflation but that typically comes before inflation.
  9. So where does this whole war to save Jesus from being torn between two worlds idea come from? Let me guess, your imagination.

    I remember a delusional kid telling me once that Jesus was going to Hell for us.

    Let me know when the glorious struggle for power ends.
  10. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    War? The war is here and it hasn't really ended since before the flood. Umm, Jesus is a name and represents the entire human race. So saving Jesus is more about being responsible and accountable for our lives. Wasn't it stated that god rested from all his work on the seventh day? Our world, our choices, our responsibility, and if you want someone to suffer and die in your stead to save yourself, you may wish to think twice.

    Crazy huh?
  11. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    Descend to the ascend and no one ascends until they first descend, and that can imply being born from our mothers womb too. Or it could imply falling from the ballsack and fertilizing an egg, or it could be like Lucifer and the whole pride kind or it could be as in dying and spirit going back to god like in Ecclesiastes. The choice, for the most part is ours. Eat drink and be happy ... There's nothing better to do under the sun than that. All else is vanity, so says the preacher. Soloman umm David's son or seed ...
  12. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    Feel free to disagree ... Wer'e entitled to our opinions, but it makes pretty good sense to me. Know what you enjoy and what you don't, be true, faithful to how you're made, ,(in God's image) and be happy. Food and liquids are part of life here. I prefer a fountain coke over Pepsi, vanilla cream soda over red, and a nice medium done steak over a peanut butter sandwich. I just wish I could afford one every know and then.
  13. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I'd have to agree.

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