Damn! Warm, cool, hot, cold, dry, rainy, snowy, blowy (um...windy): it’s always fun to go out barefoot; depends what your tolerance and preference are, of course, but don’t let a little chill winter rain stop you: FEEL IT BAREFOOT! It’s a totally legal high!
I like all kinds of surfaces and textures, but I don't like to push the pain threshold. That means freezing cold or searing hot.
Apart from snow and frozen grass I don't enjoy cold weather very much but a scorching summer pavement has its appeal, it happens when it is just barely bearable to stand on. Of course that's just me
Nah! I love it too. Sizzzzzzzzzzzle!!! Coldfooting has its appeal for me because I sweat intensely in hot weather.
you make this sound like it's a bad thing Code: "My attorney has never been able to accept the notion—often espoused by reformed drug abusers and especially popular among those on probation—that you can get a lot higher without drugs than with them. And neither have I, for that matter.” ― Hunter S. Thompson
studies have shown that experimentation is actually healthy. it's just when it becomes a habit that things go south.
Ain't that the truth. Especially now, when global warming has given us the warmest January on record.
Not in the Midwest right now. If I go out, it's with thick socks, leg-warmers, long underwear, boots and all the external coverings. And it's expected to get worse: wind chills of -25 degrees. Mostly Cloudy with Haze 11°F -12°C Humidity 78% Wind Speed W 16 G 25 mph Barometer 30.04 in Dewpoint 6°F (-14°C) Visibility 5.00 mi Wind Chill -6°F (-21°C) Last update 18 Jan 11:55 am CST
@mmicmann We were measuring temps as high as +9 Celcius (48,1 Fah) just yesterday. In the middle of January of all times. Usually it should be the exact opposite end of the scale. I could literally smell spring yesterday morning.
Well, the weather is saying that soon it's going to be absolutely pouring. Which means mud. Which means muddy little foot prints in the dirt.
When it rains here, there may be some big muddy footprints in the dirt. Nothing like mud between the toes!