I came across a woman on line who on one hand was a loud mouth but at the same time was easily offended. I have never come across the two characteristics in the same person. I can handle a loud mouth as at least I know where I stand with them.
I grew up with someone like this. She was the bossiest, meanest little girl but if you stood up for yourself she turned into miss sensitive and her little bitty baby feelings got hurt. I also dated someone like this, if he hurt my feelings it was because I was too sensitive but if I made a comeback I was a bitch. That relationship didn't work out lol
i don't think it's really that uncommon. not super common, but i feel like i've come across it several times.
What does being offended even really mean? I never feel offended.....I can feel angry by things or hurt, but never offended...... In answer to the OP question, have you spoken to her and heard this, or do you assume she is loud by what she writes? Why not ask her why gets offended, if that is what you feel she gets..... I have known people that can get angry and yell at me....but after digging to the bottom of things, I find out what is at the root of things and find it is usually from sort of hurt....and usually it is because there has been serious communication break down....I just assume everyone knows what i mean and can read my mind, I guess......and I feel hurt when they don't.... or sometimes they are just yelling and trust me enough with their feelings....don't like being the sounding board in times like these, but I understand it. omg, Meliai, I have known this too....You hurt my feelings....so that is my fault and because I barked back about it, that is my fault, too...cannot win in situations like that at all, so best to just walk away sometimes.... the sentence where you said if you made a come back, you were labelled a bitch. and if you didn't, you were labelled too sensitive.....
It became quite apparent to me that she was a glass half empty person so there was no point in any further communication. I am a glass half full person, so we could not possibly be a match.
I encountered a guy who wanted to blow out my candle . He had a narrow focus . See , I was sitting there in the woods playing a little drum and had a candle burning . Along he comes , and with 2 young daughters , and he sprays from a can some stringy phosphorescent stuff upon the branches of the near-by trees . As he believed the light from my candle would surely ruin the artsy effect of his glow-in-the dark stringy stuff , he took a couple steps toward me to blow out the candle . I say Do not do it , man , and he steps back only to command his girls to do it . To them I shake my head no , then they do not come near . The drum has been playing unbroken ,without pause . Just then the guy gets mad . He rushes the candle which is next to where I sit . Oh , I do have a drum stick with which I strike the ground , not hitting his hand but just so and very nearly so . Bad Hippie ! he cries out for all to hear . And also shouts out - This is a violent man ! I just reply - Go away and go home you stupid tripp'n hippie . At that , the man and his daughters vanished into the darkness ... moonless , starless , and beyond the light of one small tea-candle .
Sounds like her loudmouth attribute was shadow projection, and when you called her out, her offense or anger represented the fact that you were touching upon her shadow. Clearly a woman with many problems who would very unlikely recognize them in herself, but see them in everyone else.
i find it odd that the combination appears to you unusual. while it is by no means universal, it is far from uncommon. if anything, those what are quick to take offense, are seldom, if ever, among the most considerate. i am offended by aggressiveness itself, in all its many forms, only and precisely, because it is the most harmful and destructive force in all of existence. but far from motivating thoughtlessness, i am motivated to consider how we together create the cultural conditions that motivate it.
This! ^^^ That girl's blood kin must live in my town! Honestly I've known a few people exactly like this. I even said to the worse one - "as bossy and big mouthed and mean as you are, I would think you could handle whatever was said to you!" She pulled this dumbfounded and wanna be pitiful act. I just laughed and walked away...I wasn't having it.