While I despise most forms prejudice with great vigour I can't help noticing in many cases certain forms of prejudice are often confused and conflated with racism. Which, while unbderstandable in many cases ( (I know a lot of anti-jew types are basically racists to some degree) buuuuuuuuuuut NOT always. Like a lot of poilitically nincompoopery nowadays certain people on the left have effectively weaponised the utterance of expressing certain political incorrect statements and bigotry with full on racism in much the same way right wingers often try and shut down meaningful debate about social issues by assuming that anyone with a social conscience is a SJW crybaby/victim! Anyways, whaddya think?
well of course they're just plain wrong. when you combine illogical with inconsiderate, and i'm not saying denial of the unknown being unknown is any less illogical either, but when you culturally, when you create a statistical majority of equating aggressive inconsiderateness with freedom, all the horrors of tyranny is what you get. it really doesn't matter whether "race" is involved at all, when you label "other" as "less", this is a particularly incidius illogic that invites disaster. the doctrine of discovery has prevented america from becoming the free country it has usually to some degree aspired to. all these things, arbitrary perspectives, interact on an unconscious as well as sometimes coming out into the open on a conscious level. this is why we're seeing authoritarian movements and have a donald trump in the oval office. and the preferable alternative ought to be fairly self evident. that while whatever beliefs there might be, there is much of what we experience that is up to our unseen, unthought consisus. so its really up to all of us, to not take things, perspectives especially, for granted, just because they might be familiar to us.
It is both racisme and plain wrong from my perspective at least. I do belive that all prejudice, comes from fear that comes from ignorance, or to put in a more polite manner not knowing enough about the ones you hate
They are wrong because they assume a hive mind of personal vendetta against you the person with the phobia. For example when a mass shooting happens it's usually an American who considers themselves right wing. In many cases they have mixed that right wing thinking with a Christian view that they are in a holly war to protect their country and religion. But look how offended those people get when you say all gun owners or Christians are evil. It's an individual they say. 99.9% of Muslims say what terrorists do is bad and not actually what Islam is about. The Jews have never really done anything but not think a certain carpenter was that important. So I don't see how one can reasonably argue you have a right to hate them because their views hate you. So called political correctness is so because it respects other people. Racism by definition does not. Almost all the evolution of language has made it harder for people to be phobic. Poor you dominant culture in society not being able to call people a fag or sand n word. Now you have to give gay people cakes or call a person born a man a women. That must mean people can't take a joke. It's simply not the case. Edgy humor is alive and well. It's just that people respond to smart edgy humor not being an asshole because not being one means people are too sensitive. It's also nothing new for a certain generation to feel the new one is too "soft". It's nothing new for what's on TV or in music to be blamed for the softness. Are you laughing at yourself or are you mocking a group outside your tribe? The people who hate politcal correctness the most usually want to mock those that are not their tribe. They are unable to see their own flaws and foibles they are perfect and the humor is laughing at the imperfect. They have a god given right to do this or else you hate freedom. Real humor is being able to laugh at yourself.
this is the safest bet. E.g. if you're raising children, theorizing about the difference between hateful and practical thought is probably not going to go over well with society at large. The child exposed to theories of practical thought will no doubt be confused and frequently mistaken as racist. It's best too for adults to keep their "questionable" ideology under lock & key.
It's the kind of picky distinction right wing bigots like to make on HF. How often have we heard it? "I'm not racist when I hate Muslims cuz Islam isn't a race." No. its not, but the person saying it is a bigot.
As long as we have a hole in our ass there will be earthlings who hate each other for various reasons. Palistinians (rightly in my opinion) have a problem with Israelies who were given their land by the Illuminati after WW2 at a meeting at Yalta.
Ah, religious persecution... It's not truly based on race, but often people of a race typically associated with a religion may bear the brunt of hate e.g. Irish = Catholic. I'm not a history buff, but there are a ton of protestant Irish if I'm not mistaken. Still, back in the day (i don't remember my years from history) Catholics were I think thought of as being oppressive or something and so were being dinged in terms of employment or something like that. This was in the new world, but was of course more recent than Christopher Columbus. In the days of September 11 all people of middle eastern descent were treated poorly - not just Muslims or jihadists. It was presumably based on what the hater could infer about the person based on sight. In that way, fear of Islam easily became racism against middle easterners.
That is a problem. We consider every muslim an Al Kaida because we know no better. But how many Muslin nations have ever condemned the Jihadists??
I think Muslim majority nations risk discouraging piety and devotion if they mislabel someone as a terrorist for being devout. That said, it looks like the web is full of Muslims condemning jihadists. have muslim nations condemned jihadists - Google Search
I like it when I see all this effort to curb the anti-religious minority sentiment that seems to prevail throughout the Christian majority nations worldwide. It's a step in the right direction to identify that this even exists... pew research study: That's a lot of outgroupers! And the unaffiliated likely are in synchrony with the Christian majority in my honest opinion.
Every time a jihadist suicide bomber does his thing it makes us condemn Muslims .What else are we supposed to do? Say well done?
Maybe be a little more discerning and not blame a large category of people for something one from the same category has done?
You said: "Every time a jihadist suicide bomber does his thing it makes us condemn Muslims .What else are we supposed to do? Say well done?"
i have to say this. people who weaponize religion, are the real anti-religionists, because that's exactly 180 from what EVERY religion is all about. i just walk away from that whole argument though because, no one actually knows what they're talking about. no human possibly can. unless you go for a walk in the woods. every rock every tree, each being all different from each other. you can make generalizations about species. but each tree is a unique thing. and that's what diversity is. that's what reality is. not what people try to tell each other how to interpret what they see. everything is possible but no one can claim to know the unknown without knowing that they are lying to themselves to pretend to do so. its great in a way, there are books like the christian bible and the koran, and there are others, more then i can remember the names of. i mean what's great about them is they can give you a feeling of conectedness to something greater then the ignorance of our own egos, that the ego refuses to accept. the lie comes when people say they know the will of god, or a god, because they've felt this, when they say this book or that is the living will or the ultimate authority. rocks and trees and galaxies, don't begin and end in words, or at least not the words spoken to each other, even written to each other, to tell people they should see, what's in front of them that they can see for themselves, but instead of looking, to tell them to look only at their words.