Iridology: Test: Week 1'

Discussion in 'Basic Iridology Class' started by shameless_heifer, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. shameless_heifer

    shameless_heifer Super Moderator

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    Welcome Class,
    Here we will be reviewing what we have learn in the first week of our Iridology Class.

    What I would like the everyone to do is:

    Remembering that the Iris is like a clock

    From the Eye Charts in My Gallery, locate any weekness, lines, spots, discolorations and report on what you think the areas of degeneration is occuring in which system of the body the weeekness is affecting.

    You may post it here when you are ready.
    TGIF!! There will be no classes over the weekend. Monday we will begin our second weeks lesson:

    Lesions, Lacumea and Crypts: Inherited Weekenesses.

    Have a Blessed Day
  2. hippiestead

    hippiestead Ms.Cinnamon

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    clarification degeneration using the 2 iris pics in your gallery or using live irises in the student's household?
  3. Fedora

    Fedora Member

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    I have the same question as hippiestead. Please clarify. Thanks. Peace be with you!!!
  4. shameless_heifer

    shameless_heifer Super Moderator

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    Please excuse the confusion, I want you to read and diagnose your own eyes from what you have learned in last weeks lessons.

    If there is anything I can do to make the lessons more exciting please let me know.

    Glad you are all working towards learning how to help yourself and families/friends.. It can be fun.

    Love n hugs
  5. HoneySuckleBlue

    HoneySuckleBlue Cosmic Artist

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    2's the peepers.

    You've already told me about mine, but I am gonna just give this a shot anyway.

    It is hard to tell if there are any discolorations...I am not sure what a discoloration would look like. But I definately gots spots. So I'll just start there.

    In the right eye theres some light gray? spots in what looks to me like scapula and upper back area...with I guess some toxicity in the skin ring of that section? I think there is a faint radi solaris in the bladder section and another in the groin? There looks like a spot in the kidney section of my right eye and it looks like dark grey and huge spots in my lower abdomen with another spot in my lower lung section. Can't see the tops of my eye ball...

    The left eye does'nt look so bad, but there's still lots of crap looks like the skin area of the neck shoulder and upper lung needs work and mebbe the abdomenpelvis and colon area are congested? Then on around to the bladder and lower back with the spots. It's so funny because the throat it looks like is toxic too and my tonsils are almost always swollen.

    Also with having hazel eyes I can say that I was passing out alot in school because of hypoglycemia, I battle monthly with nasty pms, and have anger/depression issues as well as stiffness achiness andheadaches.

    And my youngest has the blue eyes and is prone to huge swollen lymphnodes in her neck...this is so facinating. I don't know how to read how this affects the organs really. It's kinda overwhelming to look and see all those spots but not really understand how it translates aside from just alot of junk in my system.
  6. Fedora

    Fedora Member

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    Hi shamelesshefer, Well I'm going to give this a try. The only thing I noticed was in my right eye on the right side (outside) I have some spots; one major one at 3:00 and some smaller one at 1-2:00. I'm not sure how I am suppose to read the chart. Looking at it straight on that would be the Trachea-Esophagus, Thyroid and Throat area, but if I hold it up beside my eye in the mirror it is the other side of chart which would be lower and upper Lung, Shoulder, Neck, and ear. My problems are usually sinuses, bad shoulder, lymph nodes in neck with sinus infections and I've had several busted ear drums. Peace be with you!!!

  7. shameless_heifer

    shameless_heifer Super Moderator

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    The Eye Charts are labled left iris and right iris.. when you print them out mark each one L or R so you will know which eye belongs to which chart.

    Fedora, I would say from your analogy of your eye that you are a blue eyed person and have loose flower type fibers in your eye (you are a Flower).. indicating a weak constitution, prone to the symtems you have mentioned.. going back to our first lesson on the color of the Iris you can see the corrilation. If your eye looks brown or hazel, you need intence detoxification.

    Honeysuckle, Your fibers are close together, suggesting a Strong Constitution ( you are an Oak)..the dark orange or rust colored spots in your eyes are Inherited Weakeness, you most likely had them from birth. Aqquired Weakness is what you do to yourself and the spots/lines are usually grey, milky white, brown/dark brown and black. We will address these differences in this weeks lessons.

    Thank you for your partisapation in this weeks class. I thought it would be helpful for you to get to know your eyes as we go, to have a before and after type reference.. and as we come to the end of the Iridology Class, I will be starting lessons on Healing what you see going on in your body, read through your Iris. The best part about that is to watch the changes that occure in the color of the irid as you heal.

    As we start this 2nd week of Iridology Class, we will be learning what the dots and markings mean, by their color and placement. We will also be learning about the fibers and if you are an Oak a Flower or a Shaker..wont that be fun.

    Bright Blessings and Happy Healing
  8. hippiestead

    hippiestead Ms.Cinnamon

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    My pic is not the best, but it's in our gallery...

    Sorry 'bout being so late; I think my nerve rings musta widened here lately with all the stuff I've had to do!

    To sum up my health assessment based on iris readings and affirmed by physical symptoms: High levels of toxitity in liver, bladder, ovary/pelvis, & lungs found in all of 1's lessons In addition, nerve ring pathways to upper back, neck and shoulders indicate that stress is carried in these areas. Radi Solaris also indicated problems with thyroid & brain psychological function Scurf Rim indicates underactivity in skin-better function in face & scalp; worst function affecting thyroid, trachea/esophagus
  9. shameless_heifer

    shameless_heifer Super Moderator

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    Excellent diagnogistics Cin.
  10. shameless_heifer

    shameless_heifer Super Moderator

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