Iridology Lesson 3 Nerve Rings

Discussion in 'Basic Iridology Class' started by shameless_heifer, Oct 3, 2007.

  1. shameless_heifer

    shameless_heifer Super Moderator

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    Good Morning Class,
    Todays lesson is on Nerve Rings.

    Nerve Rings or nurovascular cramp rings are revieled in the Iris by one or more segments of curved furrows that follow the circumference of the Iris, ranging from acute white to very dark. They show the degree of nerve tension.

    Physisologically, the nerve rings result from a 'cramp' running perpendicularly across the trabeculae. White nerve rings indicates irritation and nerve hyperactivity. The shades of gray represent underactivity and nerve damage. When found in the stomach, nervous indigestion may occure.

    Nerve rings show stress and imply a need for relaxation. This may come from mental or physical areas. The location of the beginning , ending and pathways of each nerve ring show what parts for the body are under stress.


    Locate stress rings in your Iris and find the body part that is under stress.. Eye Picture with Stress Rings, in my Gallery

    Tomorrow Lesson: Radi Solaris

  2. dixie_pixy

    dixie_pixy HighMandi

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    This is the eye that I am using. Not my eye, but a good photo. (For reference I'm sayint this is the right eye.)

    So, the nerve ring is the line that runs around the circumfrance. In this eye I see a really bright white line which I believe is the nerve ring. There is one in the middle of the iris as well as one that is located more toward the pupil. Are these correctly identified as nerve rings?

    If not, then where exactly is the nerve ring located on an eye and on this eye? Can there be more than one nerve ring?
  3. shameless_heifer

    shameless_heifer Super Moderator

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    Hi Dixie,
    The Iris your showing in this picture has lympathic 'Ring of Pearls', not Stress Rings. Stress/nerve rings are deep set in the irid.. like someone took a sharp instrument and cut a ring around the inside of the iris. It can also be a broken ring, reflecting where the stress is gathering in that area. There is a picture in MY Gallery of an iris with stress/nerve rings. If you take a look you will see the difference.

  4. shameless_heifer

    shameless_heifer Super Moderator

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  5. shameless_heifer

    shameless_heifer Super Moderator

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  6. Marty11

    Marty11 Guest

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    You can actually see the difference between the nerve ring and and ring of pearls in the pic if u look real close.. Like you said, the nerve ring is like someone has cut a ring around the inside of the irus and the ring of pearls can look like a second nerve ring but its just because the pearls are joining togther isnt it?
  7. shameless_heifer

    shameless_heifer Super Moderator

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    Yes Marty, the difference is quiet clear.

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