Introvert Or Extrovert?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by chemigals, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. chemigals

    chemigals They call me Chemi

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    I think most people assume I'm an extrovert, I'm a face painter, I deal with the public and I have to be confident to paint peoples faces and bodies I have to touch them, be chatty and open and friendly.... but really you couldn't be further from the truth, I'm so false its all a persona I put on, I'm so introvert I love my own company so much and I'm really not a people person at all... so which are you?? Are you a big fat faker like me??? or do you genuinely like to be surrounded by people??
  2. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    If I were truly introverted I wouldn't be responding to this thread, but aside from that... I think I'm mostly reserved around people. I don't do well with cameras and I have some problems knowing what to say to some things. So yeah! Introvert.
  3. knifeartist

    knifeartist Members

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    I'm not sure about being a faker, but I consider myself an introvert, I don't really like to be around people.
  4. chemigals

    chemigals They call me Chemi

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    I'm not sure, introverted people still need to have some stimulation in their lives, I like chatting on the pc, not much in real life but I guess its because I can dip in and out of conversations, its not like you can do that face to face ;-) you know when you just want to disappear mid-convo but you cant.....
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  5. Sleeping Caterpillar

    Sleeping Caterpillar Members

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    I'm very introverted too, and I think some people would see that as a surprise as well, because I too can be a big faker in groups to look happy, engaged, and outgoing.

    I think one of the biggest differences to an introvert and extrovert is how the individual sees their home.
    To an introvert, a home is like a palace, it's where your world exists, and most everything in it is an aspect of you. Being home is your biggest comfort zone.
    To an extrovert, the world is their home, and their house is merely a place to crash so they can go back into the world.

    Ambivert is a newer trend growing which is like being a bit more neutral on the scale, sharing both introvert and extrovert qualities. Perhaps that's where most of us actually lie

    Around certain people I feel like I'm at home and can open the world to them, but around most people I almost feel paralyzed, unable to think clearly about what I want to think or say.
  6. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I'm balanced.

    I guess I once used to be an introvert among strangers and an extrovert among friends/family. But lost that at the end of puberty. I developed :p :)
  7. thefutureawaits

    thefutureawaits Members

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    Both. My job involves getting people to like, trust and respect me. I am married so I like the company of my best friend, but I also love the solitude of a desolate trail up in the mountains.
  8. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    Introversion and shyness are not the same, imo. I like to think of an introvert as someone who needs to "recharge" after social interaction, while an extrovert get energy from being around people.
  9. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    thanks for providing the word ambivert, sleepy kitty. I guess that's where I fall.

    I actually fit every quality of an introvert except for a big one - I draw energy from other people. I dread hanging out with people sometimes to the point where its like a physical weight pulling on me, a weight that keeps me locked up tight in my house the majority of the time - but once I am around people I become energized and glad I overcame my shyness. I'm often the last person to want to go home once I finally do leave the house.

    If I'm around people for more than a day or two I actually experience withdrawal when I return to my lair. I feel depressed and feel a sense of loss because I'm not around my friends or family anymore. But after a couple of days of that the weight settles on me again and I don't want to bother with anyone.

    the trick for introverts is to find people who can accept you. Even though I do draw energy from people I will never be considered talkative or feel the need to be the center of attention. My closest friends and my family understand this and they just to be the quiet observer most of the time.
  10. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I guess I am just shy, or suffer from severe social anxiety, more so than being an actual introvert
  11. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    If I would view it like that (which is interesting) I would still be an introvert on a regular basis.
  12. knifeartist

    knifeartist Members

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    I feel the exact same way about leaving mid-convo because sometimes I don't know what to say so I leave it for later or feel too shy to keep talking, but in person it feels embarrassing not saying anything and being unable to leave.
  13. Sitka

    Sitka viajera

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    I like working with people professionally, I like shooting the shit in the parking lot over a beer after hockey, I like having people over for dinner once a week or so, but more than that is pushing it. Wife excluded, obviously.
  14. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    major intro in real life

    extro on the web
  15. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Just out of curiousty, which jobs would involve getting people to dislike, mistrust or disrespect you?

    Besides professional rap battler
  16. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    he sells cars

    he probably just says that because he knows its an uphill battle getting people to trust a car salesman

    and hasnt figured out yet he'll never win that battle..but he still tries
  17. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Mostly introverted, but not because of shyness. I just don't have much to say to most people and find small talk to be pointless. I don't really care for the word because it implies shyness or fear of social situations, which may have applied at one time but doesn't anymore.
  18. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    I'm easily a "people person" when I have to be. I'm very used to being on stages, in the spot light, giving speeches, talking to customers, etc. But my friends know that I'm really much more of an introvert who would rather be home or in small groups of friends. I've had numerous friends say things like "The guy could sell water to a fish!" but they know that isn't really me behind closed doors. My wife knows me better than anyone and sometimes she will run interference to get me out of a situation she knows I'm only staying in to be polite.
  19. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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    yea whenever i mention the word introvert to people they think automativally assume it means shyness or social awkwardness.

    As for myself i fall somewhere inbetween the two.
  20. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I think my introversion is a type of laziness. Maybe I just don't want to go the trouble of explaining myself.

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