I have a thing for fantasy books that have really, really interesting worlds. Books that just have boring settings that feel like alternate versions of earth just aren't exciting anymore. I know the setting isn't as important as the characters, plot, or other story elements, but I really like to read about crazy worlds that have had a lot of thought put into their design. An example would be the way the world is set up in the Death Gate Cycle series. Or what I've heard about Weaveworld (still haven't gotten to read it). Basically anything that comes with a unique setting. Throw your best at me!
for me, setting IS everything. and by that i mean the less culturally familiar the better. strangeness is the very essence of beauty. too many people impose a dark side on it. i won't pretend there isn't or can't be one there. that's not my point. but it IS in reality a smaller part of the strange then it is of the familiar. the forces of harm and destruction, do not find their greatest welcome out beyond the unknown, but take root in the fertile soil of such things and perspectives, as are so familiar as to be take for granted when 'sonas have unfamiliar motivations that do not require them to be senseless or illogical to move a cleche'd plot along. that is what brought me to science fiction, and the best of fantasy shares in that also.