
Discussion in 'Women's Forum' started by Lazuli Blue, Aug 23, 2005.

  1. Lazuli Blue

    Lazuli Blue Member

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    (Originally put this in th parenting forum, maybe this is a better place :) )

    I hope that this is the right forum to post this issue in... I'm very sorry if it's not.

    Basically I'm looking for any advice or help that someone might have if anyone has experienced infertility, my husband and I have been together for nearly four years and in that time have never used birth control (I have to add that neither of us have any stds or the like). It's not him, I think it's me, with previous partners I have never 'caught'.
    I'm scared to go to my doc - what if it's really bad news and the needles and the internals and the probing and prodding and general 'interference'.
    My periods are sometimes wacky, sometimes 2 weeks late then we get the "are we having a baby? Lets do a test, disappointment"!
    I'm sorry if I'm rambling, I've done so much research about it but still find out nothing.
    We would love to have a baby but I'm wondering whether it will ever happen for us :(

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