"FAIR USE:...refers to specific use of copyrighted materials without payment of royalties or which otherwise does not constitute an infringement of copyright; permitted use by copying and acknowlegement; refers to a 'priveledge in others than the owner of a copyright to use the copyrighted material in a reasonable manner without his consent, notwithstanding the monopoly granted to the owner [by the copyright]....'...Whether the use is considered a fair use depends upon the purpose and character of the use, the nature of the copyrighted work, the amount and substantiality of the portion used, and the effect of the use upon the market value of the copyright. Important factors include whether the copied material was creative or research-oriente; the status of the user (reviewer, scholar, compiler, parodist); extent of use (both qualitatively and quantitatively); the absence of an intent to plagiarize as evidenced by proper acknowlegement; the original contribution of the user...." LAW DICTIONARY, by Steven H. Gifis, Sixth Edition, © 2010, 2003, 1996, 1991, 1984, 1975 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc.