Why do I feel like that's how a major bulk of this community got here? I'm fairly new myself. Already I've butted heads, had fun and went a bit crazy. So, you're probably in the right place. You're also the first person I'm welcoming to HipF. So, welcome! (Also, I don't think anyone else uses "HipF, so I don't want you to think that's a thing.) (Unless it is and I just don't know, which would be a total trip!) (So, for now, maybe go with "I just made that nickname up") (This sentence is just so I can use more parentheses.) (((((a few more))))) Wasn't Tank Girl a pretty good movie? (But MUCH better comic)
[sharedmedia=gallery:images:151861] Just testing how to post pics....figured I'd do it in my own thread.
Looks like fun times! Hows that Eurotrash Pilz? I looked up some info and it sounds like it could be like a good version of American ales (Bud, Coors, Yuengling, etc).
It looks cold! And I hear ya, I love trying new brews! I have a thread in a different forum where I review every new beer I try. They're maybe not the most awesome of reviews, or thee most extensive... but they're... something. lol