I voted for Trump the last two elections and will so again, unless Fla Gov Ron DeSantis wins the nomination. I think Trump is better for our country then any liberal, but I also think he's too controversial and we need to move on
Welcome. You may be one of the only ones here to back trump , but it will be interesting to hear why you backed him and what you think of the republican and the democratic parties in today's world.
You're right that the Republican Party needs to move on from Trump, but to say he's better for this country than any liberal is absurd. He sucked at being President and the idea of him running again in 2024 is ridiculous. BTW I'd rather see a moderate, like Biden, in the White House than a liberal. Do you think Trump is better for our country then any moderate?
Bernie for me. It gets tiring to see for decade after decade---the same old problems of frozen government, the republicans awarding the rich whatever they want, the stupid fucking people falling for the republicans lies and voting against their own interests, the god damn cowardice of many in the democrat party , for NOT helping to pass B. Sanders ideas which would benefit working people. The stupid people elected by stupid people--IE Mt Greene, Boebert, Johnson, ECT,ECT. On and on.
My big issue with Bernie is his back problem. You know, the one where he compulsively bends over for the DNC every-time-they-fuck-him-in-the-tuchus! (Which is basically whenever he runs)
I have to wonder .......... based on T****'s entire life of lies, cheating, tax evasion, and bullshitting everyone ........... how A-N-Y-O-N-E could think that guy is an honorable, stand-up, model of American values !!!!!!!! And given the FLOCK of women he BRAGS about bedding, his recorded comment of "I just grab 'em by their pussy", and his several "marriages" - how can A-N-Y "Christian religious" folks claim him as their moral compass .......... to the point of believing he's the Messiah - the Second Coming??????????????????????????? PLEASE tell me I've been drugged by some mind-altering synthoid and this is just a nightmare!!! If T**** was a Democrat - or an Independent - or a Green Party guy ............. would you still think he's wonderful????? Or would he THEN be .......... a no-good, lying, S.O.B. who needs to be hung or thrown in prison, and all of his followers be tried and convicted of treason and thrown in prison for the insurrection riot on Jan. 6th ??????? If he was anything other than a REPUBLICAN, and you then saw T**** as I just described above ......... let me be the first to tell you ........... you are a first-rate H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E. You're the very book definition of it. Look up the definition of hypocrite.
it's kind of passe, but ... I'll bite. No, Trump is not cool. But AOC... she's got a mind like a steel trap. Yes, AOC if she runs will make our American dream a reality. At this point (or any point really, but that's a little semantic) it's really about priorities, and WHOSE priorities. So, Trump huh? Well, he doesn't really have priorities - he's a sociopath who will say whatever he wants, and say whatever he thinks will win... It's just a matter of exposing him. But none of that will matter if he's convicted of something.
I agree with you... I voted for Trump the first time around... Not the second time though... I voted for Biden only because he was the lessor of two evils... I would of liked if the GOP or Dems would have had a fresh new face to run for office... We had a choice in 2020 of either a corrupt President or a old man... 2024 does not hold out hope for some one better to run...
A view from the UK. We watched - at least my circle of friends and workmates (largely Liberal and socialists but with some conservatives thrown in) - for 5 or more years, gobsmacked at what Americans had inflicted on themselves. From here, he just looked plain clueless and out of his depth. Mysogynistic, self centred, concerned only about his own interest and re-election. And then when beaten, acted like a child refusing to accept that he had to go. What a shambles. America looked as though it had lost the plot. And we elected Johnson and watched the whole scenario played out again, but here on our side of the pond. And people STILL support Johnson, despite the known facts. Broke his own covid regulations, had private (Unsupervised and unminuted) meetings with (some dodgy) Russians whilst in government. Lied to the public (admitted that he did so over leaving the EU) and to MPs in the House of Commons. Serial womaniser. Had a member of his own government walk into his office to find him receiving a BJ from his mistress. He is clinging on to status until the very end. And now it looks as though we have lost the plot over here!
No he is a dead man walking .The Tories are going through a series of ballots to elect a New Prime Minister . My view is this shouldnt be allowed anyway. A new PM should be voted for by the people by way of a New General Election . The second reason it shouldnt be around is that all these Tories trying to become PM were all part of the Johnson Government and condoned his breaking of the law etc in Party Gate by backing him . None of them are therefore suitable and all are corrupt as each other .
Sorry, but I can't support Bernie Sanders. I voted for Hilary, but would have probably sat out the election if he had gotten the nod. (Only time I've skipped a Presidential election? Obama's first term. I didn't know enough about him to vote for him in good conscience, and McCain lost me when he picked Palin for his running mate). Sanders has some good ideas, but he comes off too much like a `YOU KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN!' grumpy old man for me to take him seriously. No matter who is President, change isn't going to be affected as long as the Republicans control Congress. Vote those assholes out! I'm a left-leaning moderate, by the way. I've occasionally voted Republican at other levels, but always Democrat for the President. But only because I've never liked any of the Republican candidates. (I wanted McCain to get the nomination over Bush Jr, and would have voted for him then. But by the time he got it vs. Obama, he was too bitter, too warhawkish, and lost his mind by picking Palin.) Right now, the way the party is behaving, I cannot see myself voting Republican at all. They went downhill post-9/11, and keep getting worse.
Just a observation in general(left or right)...........try to elect a president,who is a little bit younger? Mzzls ps. and(US)presidents have very little real power these days....