Lets say you had one baby from every country in the world. Perfect babies, no defects at birth. And they all were raised and taught all the same thins till the age of 18. Will they all be the same? Will they hate each other?
Assuming that I lived in a place with over 200 bedrooms, and had the funds to lavish the required quarter of a million quid on each child, and could also afford to hire armies of wet nurses, nannies, babysitters for when the nannies have a day off, access to a school with over 200 spare places (or another army of private tutors, obviously), cooks, housekeepers, and every single other person essential for the growth of a child, and furthermore assuming that I spend all my time being around them and paying them 100% of my attention every single day until they are adults - there are still only so many hours in a day, which means on average each child would get to spend less than ten minutes per day with me (less if I'm allowed to take breaks for eating and sleeping) Result: I'd go crazy, and none of the kids would ever get more than ten minutes per day with me, resulting in them all hating me or not even knowing who I am. So yeah, they grow up the same as each other. Bastards.
No......Because The Influence From School, Society, Friends, Media,etc Will mean They Will Turn Out Exactly How Kids Do Today...... Put Them All On A Desert Island For 18 Years And You Would Have A Totally Different Outcome.... :sunny: Cheers Glen.
i don't know what you mean by being the same. no two living organisms are. it is unlikely more then the tiniest percentage will have invented any kind of racial bias. nether of course, will they have developed thick enough skins, to withstand the pain of it, in the real world.
I think the OP is trying to get at, like, will their be cultural differences and intolerances with one another considering they don't know any better because they were all raised with the same knowledge and teachings. I don't know and don't particularly care tbh.
ahhh, the old "Nature vs Nurture" question assuming no genetic per-dispositions to any mental/cognitive issues and if provided all the same opportunities of nutrition, education, nurturing, etc. there is no real reason why they would be drastically different. and considering racism is a learned behavior, than no, theoretically they should not grow up hating one another for the obvious racial differences as any ideological differences would most likely be non-existent, at least not to a degree as to foment hatred.
There's plenty of families that adopt or blend multi-cultural families. Because I've seen, grew up with or taken care of several families like this and also read about some(the aforementioned family) I'd say they wouldn't hate each other. They'd more than likely grow up to love each other. On the otherside there are families who adopt kids from different races/cultures, etc. and treat them differently. For instance the recent stories about the kids from Ethiopia(maybe other places as well) being adopted into families in Washington(I think) and being abused and even tortured to death by members of some radical Christian movement.
no one is born with cultural and other intolerances. all of those are learned and passed on from one generation to another. that was the point i was making in response to it. so yes, you raise a group of people together with each other, and away from whatever their origins, they will form their own culture among themselves. one not influence by what they are not exposed to. i see the question as being 'are animosities based on perceived differences, a natural and inevitable thing', and my answer is absolutely no, they are not.
My two daughter are drastically different, raised the same. Not sure we will ever be able to answer that question of nature/nuture.
differences only become animosities, when culturally we make them so. that is why we have a culture that is very very sick. that it does that. this is what gets my goat about the ufo-nuts. the ones that insist, that if someone comes from another world, they just have to have some kind of hostile intentions toward us. the spaniards only became a real threat to the aztecs, when they started medling in aztec politics. it wasn't simply brute force of technical advantage in arms, nor fanatical religious submission, as we are still too often dishonestly taught.
How in the world do people like that family "19 kids and counting" get their children to be so much like them? As soon as my kids could walk and talk, they had their opinions about things.