If I have handled LSD in the past despite mental issues is it ok to dose more?

Discussion in 'LSD - Acid Trips' started by D3lit3, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. D3lit3

    D3lit3 Member

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    I don't want to waste much of our eternal time so I'll get to the point.

    - I know the acid is real. Not Nbome, NBOH, or DOx.

    - I have severe social anxiety, aka AvPD. Unable to interact with people for extended periods of time, self-deprecating, severely low self esteem.

    - I initially thought I may have a latent illness like schizophrenia due to withdrawal from society (I don't enjoy friends, girlfriends, and social settings, prefer introspection and self-discovery), but I have never heard voices or had the slightest hallucination. Nor any intention to harm myself or others, just want to spread the love around and bring peace to as many sentient beings as possible while trying to transcend into the universal oneness that will follow when we perish. Too bad I'm extremely timid.

    - 100ug handled great, 200ug trip was wonderful - great visuals, All Along The Watchtower, body high was excellent and it felt so clean! - up until I smoked too much cannabis and had a thought loop whilst in the shower. I had 1 bowl of high-grade during the peak and thought I felt good, 2nd bowl had me thinking my latent schizophrenia was revealed and I felt like all the actions I perform on a daily basis were not the real me. Staring into the mirror I saw an actor and visualized me pretending to be that third party forever. Bad trip for roughly 30 mins -1hr until weed settled down, then it's back to amazing visuals and bonding with my pets.

    - All of my trips have been alone with my pets at home where I feel the most comfortable.

    Thing is, I miss Lucy. I really want to visit her again. It made me stop consuming material things so much, get rid of my TV, turned me into a pescatarian, and brought me a step closer to bonding with people. I like that.

    Admittedly, that cannabis schizo episode during the peak scared me, although the acid alone did not cause such a reaction.

    What do you advise, Hipforums?

  2. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    The effects of LSD can be highly variable, given some of your issues I wouldn't recommend that you take LSD.

    If you can get some kind of support, I'd probably say you are ok to take it given your values of introspection and self-discovery. Still, I'd suggest that you use it sparingly and have long periods of integration between trips.
  3. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    it's not a great idea for anyone to use LSD in any way other than sparingly. especially if you have what you call "mental issues"

    like GB said, the LSD experience can vary a lot from trip to trip, so just because you handled it before doesn't necessarily mean that you'll handle it this time.

    i would suggest that if you do decide to take LSD, don't take it more than once every few months max. and don't smoke weed on it this time :) that has made me quite paranoid and anxious before as well.
  4. D3lit3

    D3lit3 Member

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    Thanks for your reply.

    At the end of the day any kind of support I have tried barely skims the surface of my subconscious, CBT has proved useless and the second a therapist suggested SSRI's I got up and left.

    I would essentially be trading one vice for another. What does "getting support" entail? In my situation, it involved going to see a white coat who prescribes antidepressants while hopelessly attempting to understand the workings of my traumatized mind, mostly unsuccessfully; because my support manifests internally. Would it not be wise to skip 50 years ahead of psychotherapy and emulate doctor sessions by taking psychedelics or empathogenics in a therapeutic setting by yourself? That seems to be what treatment of symptoms similar to PTSD will be like in the year 2050.

    These are merely inquiries, good sir.
  5. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    I meant like a peer that May be willing to trip sit you, check up on you to make sure your mental state doesn't deteoriate, maybe someone to discuss the trip with.

    For the psychotherapy setting, There are qualified professionals who people interact with when involved in psychedelic psychotherapy. Also more traditional forms of therapy are often used in conjunction with the psychedelic treatment.

    I'm not saying you won't gain insight by self-medicating with Psychedelics but as I mentioned they produce quite variable reactions from trip to trip which in an uncontrolled setting could potentially make your mental state worse. Even if that's not the case a lot of realizations and epiphanies will likely dissipate with the trip without someone making you face your issues. It's not emulating the psychotherapeutic setting.
  6. Duck

    Duck quack. Lifetime Supporter

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    My concern is for the safety of your pets. I find tripping alone to be too risky.
  7. D3lit3

    D3lit3 Member

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    Duck, that is a non-issue :). All of my pets have lived fruitful and happy lives with me for the past 10 years. Despite being drunk, high, and tripping around them I have never even accidentally done so much as step on their tail. Mutual respect between me and my pets is unwavering, and their safety is always top priority, so there is no need to worry.

    Why do you find it to be "risky"? I can understand doing something like Salvia Divinorum and completely losing touch in reality, but even on heroic doses of psilocybin I have never felt any danger whatsoever.

    My trips with my cats consist of me laying near them while they sleep and being euphoric at how infinite and intelligent these sentient beings that have graced me with their presence are.

    Last time on 200ug I literally cried to tears at how beautiful they are. I placed me head near where my cat was napping and my cat started to purr softly whilst I shed teas of joy. It was like he knew I was tripping. Very memorable experience :sunny:

    I'm not one of those people that take a RC and end up brandishing knives naked on the street. In fact, when reading those stories they are usually exacerbated by the fact that the tripper was in an unfamiliar environment surrounded by dozens of people - a recipe for a psychedelic disaster.

    It's hard to explain but my respect for animals exceeds most normal people's capacity for respect as well. For example, in environments with pets I am the first one who knows that if you pet a certain dog or cat one more time he will bite. I always tell people to stop doing x, can't you see that x animal is getting irritated? But they don't seem to notice, and keep on petting away because he or she is so "cute". My point is even on psychedelics I do not force my presence on beings, be it humans or animals.
  8. Desos

    Desos Senior Member

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    it's hard to say. we really don't understand enough about mental illness to give you a solid answer. neither do the psychiatrists. there is something on erowid that really struck me once. it said, "know your mind, know your body, and know your substance." that means you need to know yourself, your set and setting, and the substance you are taking well enough to be able to asses the risks you are taking with your mind. we all take a risk with our minds in some way when we use these substances, even those of us supposedly free from mental illness. that is something that shouldn't be overlooked even by more experienced trippers. every experience needs to be treated with reverence.

    i don't know that i would call anxiety mental illness. that is an emotion not a mental illness. maybe you just havn't met the right people to be your friends or girlfriend yet? there are plenty of people that are fairly anti-social but it doesn't make them mentally ill.

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