Mississippi ice raids: 680 undocumented workers arrested in record-setting immigration sweep on the first day of school - CNN So the employers were arrested also, and their kids were abandoned. . . . . correct?
What a joke. There are 10.7 million undocumented people in the US. 10.7 million minus 680 equals approximately 10.7 million. It's just video for his 2020 campaign commercials. His base can't do math.
That's the conservative estimate, and his base only cares about being entertained. He was elected to give congress a hard time, against the wishes of even his own party leaders. The guy literally can't fuck up, because he was elected to fuck everything up. He is having the time of his life, firing people left and right and trashing the entire executive branch and congress. What he does with the judicial branch should be interesting, he seems to want to declare martial law really bad.
Those kids were left to fend for themselves after the ICE raids which took place on the very day that moron was in El Paso
The US government has a long history of trashing people and stomping them into the dirt, while Americans have been voting for whoever advertises the most for over twenty years. You might as well spit into the wind or shoot yourself in the foot as you complain about the situation, because nobody, but nobody, is doing a damned thing. Go ahead, put Oprah in office next, and you will see the same right wing reaction when they vote in her successor. We did not go from Obama asking everyone to remain calm, to Donald Duck destroying the entire government, because Americans are happy and well adjusted.
Immigration is an emotional issue. This move means the discussion moves away from guns to a passionate issue. Emotion is a dirty word in the gun debate. Any laws are wrong since they come from emotion. It's connected in that it's a way to change the subject and it shows hypocrisy. We can't really keep up with Trump. Notice anytime something shitty happens soon after shitty things on another topic happen. This is intentional.
Forty years of extensive studies concluded the republican party organizes along the lines of a flock of chickens. The civil rights movement occurred for a damned good reason, because getting in the asshole's faces and plastering all their violence all over the news is the only way to force them to show the slightest bit of humility and willingness to compromise. Hence, the republican response to the civil rights movement was to buy the fucking mass media, and promote Fox News as legally "entertainment" instead of outright vicious lies that would get their asses sued in court. Republicans could not care less whether you call it a passionate issue, an emotional one, or a politically correct issue, its all just gibberish to a flock of chickens who peck each other to enforce they all ignore the same bullshit. To them forcing people to ignore crap is fun, they are no different from militant atheist trolls and academic wannabe lawyers. The excluded middle is so exclusive, its fucking dead.
You said Trumps response to the massacre in El Paso then posted an unrelated video about kids who parents had been arrested for being in the country illegally. Which you admit happened on the same day. Bit of a stretch isnt it And why the focus on Trump, and not the dickhead that actually killed those people Do you actually think Trump heard about El Paso then phoned ICE asking them to round up some illegals that have kids that can be abandoned for the 6 oclock news. Assuming El Paso did actually happen first
Don't you know they can't ever be racist? Lincoln was a Republican and bravely stood up for the rights of all black men. He was like the only white person alive at the time who did not want them to be slaves. Those hateful Democrats fought it. And they were so salty they decided to make them slaves again by lying to them about their freedoms. They told them they still had none. All racism is a lie since the Civil War. 100% of the time it's a lazy black person who has decided they enjoy being a Dem slave. Literally nothing else in history matters since. Lincoln cemented the Republicans anti-racism stance. Even if Nazis openly say they like Republicans Lincoln cancels it out.