Of all the people that have signed up to this site over the years (271,476 according to the main page), I wonder how many actively post. It seems like every day there are people signing up only to leave a single post, usually in one of the sex forums, then never return again. Most of it is spam which does nothing more than litter this site with moronic, degenerate garbage we are forced to sift through, so I wonder why there isn't more of an effort taken to get rid of some of these spam/troll accounts with only one or two posts to their name. I would say less than three percent of the accounts here are active. The rest have not posted in years, have never posted, or posted one or two times then left. How much do all these dormant accounts take up in bandwidth?
Goood morning, none. They are just tuples in the database. They are only relevant if the user tables are queried. Regards Gyro
Just saw this when I clicked on 'who's online'.. "29 members and 1275 guests Most users ever online was 6645, 10-27-2013 at 03:17 PM." Are there really 1, 275 people lurking? hmmm
This Site Always Has A Lot Of Guests, Tis One Of The Oldest Sites On The Intertubes With A Very Diverse Group Of Members, That's Why It Has Survived Since 1996... Cheers Glen.
If so, I must say I can't help but find it a bit disconcerting. Really, though, I think it's probably an accurate number, and the lot of them are the chronic masturbators who flock to the Love and Sex forums to read teenage accounts of sexual escapades.
Imagine if they were all actively participating You couldn't get a word in edgewise before the next post. I've experienced it before on other message boards and its crazy. Hotwater
Just checked alexa, HFs global ranking is 39,104 pretty impressive for a messageboard. After the US, 13% of traffic comes from india, so we can roughly deduce 13% of that traffic, those guests, are bots. The top keyword search to get here is rimming+women more so than people typing hip+Forums in their search engine
That Search Must Be As Old As The Hills, I Have Not Seen A Rimming Post Here For At Least A Year Or More... Cheers Glen.
it varies somewhat. also sort of obvious, not everyone posts in all of the same forums. maybe 25 or 30 at most are active in random thoughts, but there are probably many more who are active in other forums on this site who almost never come to here. i'm more active on other sites entirely then hip forums at all.
"welcome to our newest member, chemicalstore" http://www.hipforums.com/newforums/showthread.php?t=487640&f=44