I was cleaning my oven this afternoon and I guess some oven cleaner got down into my gloves because I literally have chunks of skin missing on both of my wrists. I can see patches of white where the skin is missing, and it is starting to hurt. If I had to guess, I'd say I've given myself something close to a first degree burn, but I am not sure. My husband is on the water so I am here alone, and I don't know if I should wrap them and wait until he gets home, or go to the clinic. Has anyone ever taken of several layers of skin with oven cleaner before?
I would neutralise with some vinegar in warm water but if the skin has reacted badly, I would get it checked out as it is then a chemical burn and it could damage tissue. Ikes, sounds painful.
Can you post a picture. It's probably a mild chemical burn, but I wouldn't worry too much about it unless it covers a large area.
That is what I'm worried about.......I really don't need nasty scars on my wrists. I'm so annoyed with myself.
The red patches do not hurt much anymore (maybe because I smoked a little bit for the pain) but the white patch is still noticeably sore. I've also got a white patch on my other wrist that is about the same size. Sorry for the massive picture. I can't resize photos on my blackberry.
That doesn't look too bad. You're not going to have tissue damage because the burn looks pretty superficial and not super deep or anything. I would just put some aloa vera cream/gel on it and it should heal in a few days.
Just so you know, if anything like that happened to me.... I'd go to the doctor straightaway rather than ask the shermans on here (myself included) But then again, I pay a small chinese lady to handle all household chemicals
flush flush flush, with lots of clean water immediately, the get thee to a doc, or on the phone to hazardous material control, or someone who might know the details and treatment for the particular product in question. preferably on the way to the clinic in a time machine that can get you there before you left. not that you should phone while driving, or ignore safety on the road either. don't panic, but respect the risks of all powerful materials you are not already familiar with the minutests details thereof. hopefully i'm not saying anything anyone doesn't already know. but just in case gives me an excuse to say it anyway.
Oven cleaner is usually potassium hydroxide which is a strong base. Skin should be flushed with plenty of water for a half hour or more to dilute whatever is left in the skin. Trying to neutralize it with acids will generate heat in the skin and usually make the burning sensation worse. Applying lotions, salves, or oils will trap heat in the skin. Drain cleaner is usually sodium hydroxide, another strong base that burns skin in a similar fashion. Hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide) is yet another strong base that was once commonly used to make the white lines on sports fields. It's obviously not something on which to go barefoot, such as during running practice or marching band camp.