Anyone Here Know What An Apogee Is? My Buddy Used To Have One, But I No Longer Live Near Him. I Am Craving A Huge Apogee Hit. If You Don't Know What One Is, It Is A Bong That Kinda Looks Like A 'v' Shape. It Has A Saw Handle To Hang Onto. Anyone Know Where I Can Get Plans For One Of These Bad Boys????
Dude, they were simply the best. I have been looking everywhere for them, I guess they are long gone. Still references to them in many places, but the company must be long gone and no one picked up the ball to make anything that resembled them. They were simply the best ever. I'd love ot have several!
That looks pretty sweet, I've never seen one of those before. It basically just seems like it would work like a double-chamber bong though.
hmmmmmmmmmm looks interesting though!! who wants to know how much time has passed when you are smoking though???
I used to have an Apogee! hehe! it was the best bong ever!!!!! truly, it was! I would pay good money for one now!!!!