it doesn't happen often, it rarely seems to even come up. but it came up ina discussion today and i found out that the chick in one of my discussion groups is also vegetarian. (she said something after class) she's teh first one i met that could say "i've always beena vegetarian." its exciting and it helps with the whole feelings of being an isolated ohioan vegetarian. it makes me smile.
It's weird... around here, about half the people I know are vegetarian, or at least semi-veg. I think pescatarians may be more ocmmon here than in other areas because it's a coastal area, with good fishing.
Woohoo! Veggie lesbo action! Ahem :& Yeah, being isolated as a veggie is horrible. I think we're spoiled in the UK coz we have a reasonably high rate of vegetariannism compared to many countries.
there isn't really anything close. although in the last year two of my other friends became veg and that keeps showing my a rise in totals. (1, then 2, and now like 5.... is exciting)
I get the kids who are vegitarians but eat chicken and fish because 'they just love the taste' or the ones who have been veggie for about 5 minutes before they eat meat again. It's rather rediculous.
pm me where you are and I'll shake some trees for you and see what sorts of nuts fall out. Now we know where i find MY friends...