sangria wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. nah i lied i don't like wine. but i like sangria. and i like that song.
pie pie pie i love pie!!! pie is good. even in the hood. pie pie pie i love pie!!! i tried to make up a song. it didn't work.
I loveeee... I don't know what I love anymore. I love being alone in a room by myself, yet I don't like the thought of having a home... ... not being homeless, I just like the thought of a new day every day and never seeing the same people...
how do you know i have a good vocabulary? i recently wrote a song about cappuccinos.. oh yes i did. stay cool my babies.
i see very few metaphors in that song georgeit was based entirely on my love for caffeinated beverages. perhaps you're looking at it with a kalaidescope?
nah i just have a new obsession with cappuccinos. i had like 3 on new years, 2 yesterday, and 4 today hahahah i'm hopped up on them. cappuccinos are the new weed
wow... I used to drink like seven of them every time I went on a field trip to a mall with a coffeeshop... then I'd be buzzed all the way home on the bus