I had wreck recently. Broken tib fib now has rode it actually came threw my leg, broke femur (rode there too) and broke hip 3 screws holding the ball joint together. Ok so since the wreck I was taking up to 190 10mg norcos a month. My accident was the beginning of May so now it's only my hip that hadn't completely healed. I've developed a tolerence for hydrocodone so I went to the suboxone clinic Bc they also lowered my dose of norcos and I quit seeing one dr. I know it's wrong but I being double wammy'd from 2 drs. I've been taking the suboxone for 2 weeks but I find that they DONT help with pain like people say. So I went back to primary today and got a script for 2 10mg norcos a day back. My question is this. Will I have withdrawls if I stop taking the subs? For the past week I've only took a 1/2 a day but the last 2 days only a quarter. Also how long after stopping the subs should I start back on the pain pills and feel some pain relief and yes maybe a small buzz too lol I took my dose of sub yesterday about 9am and it was a quarter of an 8mg film that goes under your tonge. I took 7 10mg norcos when I got them today Bc of the subs being an opiate blocker and u feel them but I want to take less and still feel them. So how long? Sorry so many questions and so long. Thanks for any feed back in advance
First things first. Stop listening to people who say "Man, these Subs help my pain" or "These Subs get me high as fuck", and I'll tell you why. While Opiates do indeed give most of us that euphoria we have always associated with taking them, Opiates treat everyone differently. Does that mean you might get a nice euphoric buzz your first time but your equally opiate naive buddy won't feel a thing, no not the difference I speak of. I'm talking about the fact that every single person's body chemistry is different. Opiates might for example take twice the use to get you dependent on them vice how long it would take your buddy to become dependent. Withdrawals are no different, they affect people differently. Subs play a role much like you mentioned above. The problem is that you went to Subs because you did not want to get sick and that's fine but don't use the word pain when you actually mean high because Subs were never designed as a pain reliever unless said pain is from withdrawals. As far as withdrawals on Subs, having taken it for only two weeks, Subs have a seriously long half life, but withdrawals can be kept away if you have enough Norco of course. But what's working against you is the fact you used Subs while out of Norco's which did nothing but increase your tolerance to opiates which means if the norm for you was 6 Norco's when you got Subs, it will take close to that to get you withdrawal free afterward. Personally, I'm surprised a Dr. would prescribe only two weeks of Subs at 8mg/day. If I read you correctly you took 8mg/day for a week, then for 5 days you took 4mg/day and then 2mg/day last two days. I would guess that you can expect mild to medium withdrawals if you take nothing but you still have at least 1 1/2 to 2 days before withdrawals begin due to Subs half-life. Like I said, with enough Norco you can keep the withdrawals away but trying to break through Subs with 10mg Norco's is a COMPLETE waste of Norco. If I'm adding the numbers right, you should still have 32 MGs of Sub left, I'd save the norcos and finish the Subs by taking 2 mg/day for 10 days then 1mg/day for 10 days, once complete you will be at refill day for your Norco's again and might very well be able to fight the pain then with less Norco. BTW, Subs long half life should provide you with coverage for around 3 to 4 days before withdrawals show up, but it could be as little as 2 days.