I Hate Being A Lesbian

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by lostluvr, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. lostluvr

    lostluvr Members

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    idk if this is where id post what im feeling but its where im gonna do it..well title says it all..im never gonna find a girl..the thing is if i was straight id have the perfect life..my best friend would be the best boyfriend..but im not instead i fall in love with dumb girls who i can never have..i hate my life...so much..and if i didnt care about my family id probly do sumthing stoopid..i just really really hate my life...and to make shit worse i bave a problem with alcohol that i cant get under control..shit i dont even remember how the hell i got home or even what time..im sick of it...sick of.myself..
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  2. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    "Alternative" lifestyles aren't the easiest. Stick around. It gets better.

    We have a section just for Lesbians, and lots of other interesting topics. There are some pretty cool people here.
  3. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Sometimes I think my male friends would be pretty cool boyfriends if I were straight but then again probably not. Mostly I think that they are so cool because to them I am so cool... We are pretty cool together, our sexuality creates good friendship but then trying to turn that into a relationship? Well I've heard, read and seen that turned upside down and it isn't guaranteed to work. So I just think it's easier to be who I am around folk that understand and appreciate who I am.

    I seem to have confidence though where I'm not really concerned what the outside world thinks of me and seeing as I already have that one partner I need, these "dumb girls" can be used recreationally for my own enjoyment.

    I don't know. Just sometimes, I don't think that being a lesbian is as dramatic as a "lifestyle" as some people make it out to be.
  4. Albertha

    Albertha Members

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    Awww! I wish I could give you a hug! But cheer up :( Once in awhile I get kinda insecure about my sexuality, and feel like life would be less of a hassle if I was straight.... I get what you mean when you say that you fall in love with girls who you can never have, cause I've experienced it too, and it hurts like hell.
    Sometimes when life gets you down, just calm down and relax a little, maybe go out somewhere really fun with some friends like to the movies or hit the gym or something to take your mind off of the bad things in life. I swear it helps!
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  5. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Think about this...you falling in love with "dumb girls you can never have" has almost nothing to do with you being a lesbian except for that's what makes you attracted to women. Lots of straight women fall for dumb guys. Lots a straight guys fall for dumb women they can never have. Gay guys fall for guys they can never have, etc.

    My advice....please stop hating your life because you're a lesbian. There is nothing wrong with that. Lot's of people fall for the wrong people. We're all just people and nobody is perfect but any imperfection that you have has nothing to do with your sexuality inherently. I'm going to guess the alcohol isn't helping anything. It's a depressant and makes you feel worse for a lot longer than the short time it makes you feel better. If you need help, please get it. Everyone has tough times and things often get easier in time. And...if you want someone to love you, you need to love yourself and accept yourself as you are. I bet you're a lot stronger than you feel right now. Good luck and by all means....any time you're considering doing "something stupid" promise yourself that you will call a good friend and talk to them for an hour. It's only an hour of your time. Or post here if you want.
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  6. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Try falling in love with someone you can have.....

    I am straight, but all kinds of people want what they can't have, it seems.....so I think that is not really falling in love.
  7. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Lolz, no one ever tells you what that really means when you are younger

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    LOVE (be it MF, MM,FF) is always complex and requires; for many, a degree of heartache before contentment.
    It is however important to be true to oneself - and - in the words of poetic verse, "Love will find away"
    Maybe consideration as to a changing location should be given?
    Finding and interacting with those of similar ilk and persuasion may allow one's confidence to grow, and self-belief in one's comfortability will see; if not complete solace, then acceptance and assurance.
    After all, "Learning to Love yourself is the Greatest Love of all"
  9. lostluvr

    lostluvr Members

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    just recently ive been having an emotional breakdown about this and i thought for.the most.part i was ok with it and it felt natural..just right now i suddenly had a sick feeling of how.ive been...im sickened by how.ive been wanting another woman so bad sexually..i feel almost discusted with myself..but it doesnt change the fact that i still dont like.men..what the hell is.happeneing to me?
  10. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    How old are you? What age/type of girls are you going for?

    And what are you actually sickened by? Your dependence on them

    Part of what they mean when they say it gets better, if you are young, you sound young, and after girls your age, most of them will be too scared to do anything, this is less so as everyone gets older, thus more possibilities
  11. ken280zx

    ken280zx Members

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    I found that when I stopped drinking my life got a lot better. The only way I could do it was in AA. Please check it out,it well open doors for you that you never knew you had. My life sucked big time. Then I tried AA and I've been given more gifts then I thought possible.
  12. lostluvr

    lostluvr Members

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    im 25..old enough to know better..ive been lesbian since i can remember but i dated enough guys to kno i dont like them and feel absolutly nuthing for them..yes i feel sickened i guess by my dependense on them..i hate that girls have that strong of a hold on me..and how my every other thought about them is sexual..i cant even have girl friends cuz i end up wanting to be with them..i mean im not a slut i mean ive messed around with a couple girls but i still consider myself a virgin..
    i have tried AA..it doesnt work for me..i end up feeling angry and in denile where as before i went in i excepted that i had a problem..AA is not for me ive come to find..sux cuz theres no other alternative
  13. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Well, my advice would to be a slut, be one of those ones that have 6 girlfriends at once....or at least consider it

    They are skittish your age and under, you have to be secret undercover espionage chic, so none of their friends and family find out, and they'll all pretty much expect you to make the first move...again when nobody is watching

    But if you are pretty much always just going to think of sex around them and they are all pretty much going to pidgeonhole you anyway

    I have never been able to get on with guys, I am a guy btw if there is any confusion, never had a male plutonic friend, never really wanted to, either I want to pull their pants down or its get the fuck away from me.

    Its a little bit easier cos guys are more obvious and aggressive about it, but the rules aren't that different, its more about third party persons than you think, what anyone else they know is going to think

    but give it another 5,10 years and it will fall into place, once the number of bored frustrated housewives your age increases
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  14. lostluvr

    lostluvr Members

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    lol well i can relate to the plutonic thing completly but im also the sensitive type so i cant be a slut becuz just strictly having sex wont give me no pleasure..i need a connection..put it this way i get more turned on by even just holding a girl who i truely likes' hand then full on hot sex with a stranger..guess thats the difference between us..actually now that i think about it...maybe i should give it a try..but i dont want to end up with an std...u never kno who has what..and safe sex is lame..
  15. Jannet2

    Jannet2 Members

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    Agree to that, but there is also a chance of u getting STD,\, if your partner got infected too. What i am trying to say is that, we can't really guarantee anything, But is true i need to have those emotional feelings too before can start anything.
  16. Dude111

    Dude111 An Awesome Dude HipForums Supporter

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    Ah sweetie..... There is NOTHING WRONG with liking another girl.... DONT LET SOCIETY TELL YOU ITS WRONG..... Its not wrong.... Its beautiful!!! -- LOVE IS WONDERFUL!!

    You are open minded and able to see how love from another woman can be so beautiful.... MANY CANNOT and only think they opposite sex can make them happy.....

    I do hope you find someone THAT MAKES YOU HAPPY!!

    Peace and love.....Welcome to hipforums :)
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  17. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    That kind of gives you away though

    "I need a connection" but you don't want to get an STD, safe sex is lame

    You can have 6 girlfriends and not be about sex, hand holding, cuddling girlfriends, but you cant cos you know its going to be about sex

    So what do you actually mean by you need a connection? Is that something you say so you don't sound shallow? Do you think that's what they want to hear? Do you mean they have to be at least a little bit into you? Do you mean you don't want them to dump you too soon and just use you?

    If we knew you in real life, heard "I need a connection" often, but only see you pine over one type of girl, maybe always ones a little out of your league, maybe always ones that are hot (not necessarily what mainstream thinks is hot)......"I need a connection" ends up sounding like you mean the opposite

    You have to be careful of this stuff, the thou doust protest too much rule, it ends up sounding like the opposite

    Have 6 girlfriends, just get good at the stuff that doesn't expose you to STDs ;)
  18. lostluvr

    lostluvr Members

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    by i need a connection i really did mean i need a connection with a person before i can have sex with them other wise i wont be into it and it feels strange..i say that cuz ive messed around with two orher girls that i did not have feelings for and it was weird and i wasnt into it..ont the other hand a girl i used to work with that i really really liked invited me over one night and we kissed and fell asleep holding eachother and that was so fuking awesome..i want that..i dont want sex..i could care less about sex really as long as a girl i really really liked would atleast let me.kiss her and hold eachother..thats all i ask really..i think thats sumthing a boy will never undwrstand so...sorry dude..
  19. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Ok, but they arent really going to believe holding hands and lying in bed isnt going to lead to sex, sounds llike the same things the guys say.

    Short version, despite what they all say, they are just going to assume you have more than one girl on the go at the same time, so meh....you might as well
  20. OddApple

    OddApple Member

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    Gays don't have relationships like you're thinking. Give up on the love part, get sex attention and have some fun. If you can have some fun it will help and if you go around gay people, there will be "girls you can have"
    Give a vacation from the misery it's chance and look up the local gay people news paper.

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