I did not think anyone could out kinky me but one thing finally came along that threw me for a loop. Not sure it can be discussed on this forum or not. It is not illegal but is somewhat taboo. Has any other guys had something come up that made them uncomfortable? If anyone wants to email me they can at [link removed]
i hear ya bro....if you are saying what i think you are saying it might be best to just quit the job at the funeral home and stick to live babes [or dudes]
did she go off with the four blokes you said it was ok for her to have sex with, then she enjoyed it more than having sex with you? then did one of the four turn out to be a great turn on to you and you had the best time of your life with the guy, and you cant believe it? then did they both dump you?
he said it is illegal people...think criminal...... is the wife a high school teacher?....and handing out too many special gold stars?
i'm good, but i know an online pharmacy that would love to send you an email every day for the rest of your life.