And what a beautiful name it is! I simply love simplicity, perhaps because I am a very humble yet simple person. Let me be the first to give you a warm welcome, Ginge! Love, bird.
I came into this thread to say I liked borninthewrongeneration, and I thought she was a sweet girl. I see she is just transformed into Ginge! I suppose I must say, then, that I like them both.
I don't believe in this whole 'wrong generation' thing... do with what you've got when you've got it... we are all here for a reason...
Simplicity is just too complicated for me, he he. Your name is fine, whatever pleases you, darlin'. We are all something beyond names anyhoo. I am a guy with a name commonly associated with a female, and man I have gotten some crap in my life about it. But it's all good. Come with the territory. Pizza, Templedragon Viv-