I Cant Have A Sexual Realtionship Because Of Scizophrenis

Discussion in 'Mental Health' started by Shellybell, Dec 3, 2015.

  1. Shellybell

    Shellybell Members

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    Ten years the last time I was with a guy before thewatching voices enteredmy life at 32. I have tried to have sex with an ex bit I was just relaxing when the three started jeering it put me off so ive never tried again. I dont want to be a spinster and would love a shag and realtionship so any one please any advice will be gratefully recieved x
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  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I say just let your desires take control, push back, fuck that fucker like you never been fucked before. ;) give him a story to tell.
  3. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    A good therapist or psychiatrist may be able to guide you in finding a relationship.

    Maybe a meditation practice could help you in dealing with the voices.
  4. Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree Remain In Light

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    There is a UK hearing voices support group network:


    Looking at it the only group listed in Scotland is in Dundee, but it has a forum and you may find the site helpful,
    perhaps you could even set up your own local group.

    Good luck, I hope you can find a way forward through your condition.
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  5. Shellybell

    Shellybell Members

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    I have spoke to my nurse about hearing voices network so I might give it a try as I have to do something to get some life back because at the.moment im just existing.
  6. leyten

    leyten Members

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    hi, sorry for the bad english, I'm italian and I don't speak english very well
    But I'm a medical student at my 5 year and I've just studied mental healt issues and schizophrenia in particular,
    It is a mental healt disorder and it has to be treated with drugs becouse psicotherapy doesn't fit very well alone, it can only be a support. But you have to be treated with drugs. I'm sure that if you find a good psichiatrist he will help you solve your issues and you will return to have your sexual life as it was previoously. I pray for you ;)
  7. Mr Smith

    Mr Smith Newbie

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    There is only one cure for neurotic behaviour, and that is to reach a state of meditation. Practising a meditation technique is not reaching a state of meditation. You must go beyond your psychological, emotional and physical limitations to reach such a state.

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