I buy, therefore I am.

Discussion in 'Consumer Advocacy' started by Barefoot_Surfer, Jun 19, 2004.

  1. Barefoot_Surfer

    Barefoot_Surfer Member

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    I have found this. It is something I can't get my head around. Why do we buy crap?! Consumer debt is reaching astronomical proportions. People are borrowing money they can't really afford. I can see it all coming a long way off. It is all going to end in tears. We in the west are living an extravagent lifestyle. People in the UK are the most overworked compaired to their european counterparts. This is because they are borrowing money to buy crap to escape from the fact that they are overworking. All this to show social status. Napolean once pointed to a map of china and said "There lies a sleeping giant. If it ever awoke it would be unstopable." Guess what China is waking up. Oil consumption is up as a result. All this would lead to higher prices all over the world. The price of steel is rising as well. Meanwhile the economy ballon is growing. It is on the virge of going pop. The end result will be a catastrophic depression and anarchy. Shops would be looted, crime would be rife. The world would be a dangerous place to live. History has taught us much but people chose to ignore its warning. The only way you are going to stop this destructive cycle is extremly radical. That is to ban credit or hike hike up interest rates. Anybody who is in the red would be up a famous creak with out a paddle.
  2. MaxPower

    MaxPower Kicker Of Asses

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  3. Digital Underpants

    Digital Underpants Member

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    YAY! The revolution is underway! Go revolution GO! I am not saying I look forward to violence or people getting hurt, but this place could use a makeover! lol
  4. amarylia

    amarylia Member

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    Yeah man, you're right, but people are free to do what they want with the money they earn... There should be an education for dematerialization, still it's not the end...

    There's a little story that goes like this: A wise man lived in a small poor house and a student came to visit him to learn more about the mysteries of the Universe. But he was very surprised with the few belongings of the wise man:
    - How can you live like this? - said the student - Where are your belongings? Being such a wise man why do you live in this miserable house?
    - Where are your belongings? - said the wise
    - Oh, I haven't brought much, I'm only here by passage...
    - Well I'm also here by passage - said the wise - life is a passage.

    (sorry if it's bad english)
  5. lara

    lara Member

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    Marketing dictates our culture. Through advertising, what was once unacceptable becomes acceptable from bell-bottom pants to monopolies. Why do you think the Bush administration hired Charlotte Beers a marketing whiz and Rendon, a top PR Firm, to market the war in Iraq? It works! And it happens subtlety. The most affective advertising is the kind that you don’t consciously remember. You see the logo somewhere, remember you’ve heard about it, figure a friend endorsed it and they have you. I’m not saying it’s all bad, in fact I am going to apply those same strategies to market this web site! I just think we need to be aware of what our phenomenal minds are exposed to on a daily basis, of the diminishing amount of free space that surrounds us. Parks, freeways, supermarkets (many of which now have TV commercials at the checkout stand), buses, bathrooms, bars, etc… all are plastered with ads. Don’t you think we deserve to have a break from bad breath and flabby abs? All day long we are pullied through the world on a perpetual roller coaster of cravings and inadequacy MMMM Big Mac and buy the new ab-roller- you fat ass! Advertising gives us the Internet, the TV, and the radio. But, as your grandfather said, “There’s no such thing as a free ride.” Let’s be aware of our price and learn how to spot the free space.

  6. busboy5447

    busboy5447 Member

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    very nicely put, lara
  7. Kilgore Trout

    Kilgore Trout Senior Member

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    I believe that the purpose of TV is to make people unhappy and unsatisfied.

    It does me. That's why I unplugged the damned thing.
    But that's the only way they can get people to keeping consuming is by convincing them that they have to in order to be happy.
    Fuck 'em! Go outside!

    And nice website Lara! Great design.

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