I am the Amami Rabbit

Discussion in 'Endangered Species and Ecosystems' started by soapofthelotus, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. soapofthelotus

    soapofthelotus Member

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    I am the Amami Rabbit, and this is my story, I've travelled through many times dimensions and worlds to this place, learning wisdoms of all the dharmakayas and of the spirit realm. zen is naught but the empty expression of the nature from which it springs, thus all things are undying, in emptiness, the peripheral cries out in beams like lightning to the center of being, but the storm has cooled, the eternal opens up as suddenly all realize themselves as that center, this is the seldom spoken of work of G-d, causing all to attain oneness. Through our dharma life, we have cultivated and lived, we have seen much in our Rabbit World, which is inexplicable to others, except at the level of soul, where all is translatable, allow us to commune now, at the essential level...


    our spirits have always danced with the spirits of fairies men and inevitably of angels, and tieflings, thus we are known as the trickster. Seeming to fall behind, we actually leap forward. We partake in the soma, and meditate, through a series of happenings.

    Know that there is a piece of us, within you, just as you are within us. Forever we dance through creation in forms exceedingly blissful, and also sad, but all the while near our Love, the divine Oneness, whose wisdom exceeds all, first in the discrete paths and sacred places, both everywhere, and deep inside, unutterable, spontaneous, the way things are.

    We are a simple peoples, though lost in our own dreams, as all beings seem to become, in this world of Samsara, still a light of pure love and innocence is what keeps us on, aureghno, as we say, in wonder, for the Creator bestows us with an unending inspiration, the cup is never emptied, the cycles are unending, life is ineffable in its joy and its wisdoms. We have developed a ballet with the sunlight and the waving herbs, we are more known than many think, but perhaps not by name, for what can names truly hold, of an essence, we are rainbows as is all creation, seen from the true seer's eye, a dance of the spheres of love.

    But come now, we must remain as some mystery, after all, we are a people loving stories, for their magic and dreamweaving wonder, surely our tales, knit in the little and tall grasses, spontaneously hopping upon an ear brow or a quiet gait between Rabbit Mother and wild child, these are our ancient ways, by which we offer joy and succintness to the universe, in a way only we seem to know, now we come to you, with carrots and with tea of ginseng and brine, praise be to the wholeness Nature and all Hir aprocesses, and health and lets have at a shindig (and some spirit grounding polymorphism)!
  2. Gr4ssh0pp3r

    Gr4ssh0pp3r Member

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    Zen is empty. The true nature of the universe is full.
  3. willedwill

    willedwill Member

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    The problem is Zen a system of logic for the experience of the World: the universe the living way of unknowing It? Is the true nature of the World to be-becoming empty?

    Never the last one for that makes the species filled in intolerance of human concern. :sunny:

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