I don't drink anymore I don't smoke I don't have sex I only leave the house to run errands I'm 30 pounds overweight I can't remember the last time I laughed at something other than these forums, my kids or tv........cause that's all I do and you bitches wonder why I'm so mean and before you even THINK about suggesting it, I hate cats
yeah and ummm...who's gonna be grabbing and squeezing it tonight? that's right buddy big fat NOBODY!!!!! thanks for the attempt tho
damn it, I can't believe I missed that fucking picture. oh, and you're not pathetic. atleast you're taking care of your children all day and not out getting loaded
you should be bummed she has an incredible ass...lynsey raises her hand and volunteers to grab it adn shoves adam out of the way. I warned you to back the fuck up
I wonder how I'd hit it if i were a guy...hmmm and colenzo thanks so much for your genuine concern regarding my sexuality.
how did this turn into a discussion about my ass? back on topic people!!!!!! now.......how can WE improve my life?
you'll feel better when school starts back up. some people are social others aren't. I am among those that aren't except for the occasional male gay bar...anyone hear that new jt song, you haven't heard it at all untill you here a gay man sing it.
MissFontella look at it this way. Maybe right now your in a "cleansing" mode because something/someone fantastic is about to find you. I know how you feel though, about somethings you said. I don't leave my house either. I spend all day with my boys. I quit smoking. If I drink I only have a beer a night. It takes me 3 hours to drink it, sometimes 5 hours. School will be starting again for you soon. At least you have that to look forward too. Maybe you will meet someone this semester. It won't be this way forever. (I tell myself this often)
umm, nicotine patches and a vibrator maybe? I don't know how to get you outta the house though.....if you lived close enough we could tie down the kiddies to their beds and make them take a dose of nyquil to put them to sleep (or hell we'd give em the whole damn bottle of it), then abandon them for a wild night of sloppy ass drunkeness and one night stands with anonymous men. okay, maybe not.