My friend just sent me an email of this big ugly spider on his house omg I don't miss those ones. So big. So ugly. So...JUSTKILLITPLZ
Every single person who visited Australia made a pic with a huntsman in the corner of their room. I almost think Ozzies put a huntsman in corners on purpose.
That's just where they go though, they love it cause they can lounge there with their long legs splayed like a whore xD They aren't dangerous, I've been bitten and it was just big red lump but they are just big and ugly and as far as I'm concerned the inky good spider is a dead spider. I told my friend this he said girl I pulverised that thing into the concrete. =] I was happy. Even the spiders in Skyrim freak me out. It's those big bent legs.. Eww.
Nawww that is quite cute. Little ones are okay, like real small. But once they're hairy... And to think I used to pick up the daddy long legs ones and they're like the most poisonous =O
Yeah, they can't get through our skin from memory. I do leave them alone when out of the way because they kill other spiders.
We don’t have any dangerous Spiders up here in the Northeast just the Black Widow (which can cause nausea, muscle ache, and fever) and the brown recluse (which can cause tissue damage & necrosis) Hotwater
Brown widow? Never heard of them =O Black widow I have. I once got bitten my a whitetail spider in Australia and they are known to cause bacteria and skin shedding problems. You could see the bit marks on my back but thankfully I was not poisoned or get any bacteria from it. Wollopped the motherfuck out of it though =\
This was a few nights ago. I saw an even bigger one while I was in my shed and I decided that any unwarranted intruder shall have to challenge me to a basketball game. So I threw a basketball at it's face.
Haha I wasn't going near the thing, got the missus to kill that one instead fuck that I said. I wanted it pulverised into the concrete.