Humans are herbivores.

Discussion in 'Vegetarian' started by Apples+Oranjes, May 31, 2005.

  1. Apples+Oranjes

    Apples+Oranjes Bekkasaur

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  2. Hikaru Zero

    Hikaru Zero Sylvan Paladin

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    *clap clap clap clap clap*

    Again ... before humans started eating meat (i.e. before the stone age), we got our protein from PLANT sources. All those things about man's brain developing because we ate meat, is baloney. We developed tools before we started using them to hunt, and that requires a sufficiently developed brain compared to everything else.
  3. ScreamingMisanthrope

    ScreamingMisanthrope Member

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    thanks! i've been looking for something like this.

    i definitely love how meat eaters will point to their small incisors and be like 'then why do i have these? to tear flesh, duh!' - morons :p

  4. littlemistymop

    littlemistymop Member

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    Fab site! :D
  5. Apples+Oranjes

    Apples+Oranjes Bekkasaur

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    and if they actually were out in the wild and had to use those so-called "canine" teeth to tear flesh [assuming they lacked tools] ...they wouldnt be able to.

    nor would we be able to use our feeble fingernails to tear anything apart.

    my boyfriend's mom is a meat-eater, but shes extremely open to my vegan-istic ideas and I brought this up to her...and she believes that it's possible that all of this is true, but that maybe we've just evolved to the point of not needing to consume meat anymore... i tend to disagree with that, but even if her point were correct, it still shows that its unnecessary to eat meat, so her point of view doesn't bother me the way most meat-eaters ideas do.

    i worded that horribly, but you understand what im getting at.
  6. Casperthesheet

    Casperthesheet Member

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    That was really cool. It great that something like this is out there. Unfortuataly most meat-eaters will read it and say something along the lines of "Wow, that is totally right but I'm still going to eat meat anyways because it taste good". That's the usual reaction when I tell a meat-eater the benefits of being a vegitarian.
  7. Hikaru Zero

    Hikaru Zero Sylvan Paladin

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    In my opinion, this is perhaps the absolute most selfish and immoral thing that a person can say.

    Not that all meat-eaters say that, but more do than not. =\
  8. Casperthesheet

    Casperthesheet Member

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    I have to agree...I'm just in a really evil, hate mood today...but it's getting better.
  9. Apples+Oranjes

    Apples+Oranjes Bekkasaur

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    i hate that attitude too...over anything it also shows they dont care about least if youre going to be selfish enough to not care about other living creatures, care about yourself...

    if we were meant to be herbivores, eating meat is just unhealthy, but i dont think meat-eaters WANT to understand that. I think they do, fully, I dont think they're stupid, I think they just choose to ignore it. They always seem to follow the path of "ignorance is bliss"... when really in the end they will pay for it when they're suffering from colon cancer, clogged arteries, etc.

    my boyfriend is one of those people... he lives off of pizza and double bacon cheeseburgers...he recently went to the hospital because he was blacking out and having severe chest pains, and to sum it up the dr. there told him he needed to start eating a plant based diet. Did he? no. He's going to regret it when he has a massive heart attack someday, and I'm worried shitless about him, but there's nothing I can do... I try, daily, to get him to eat healthy but he just gets angry with me.
  10. Apples+Oranjes

    Apples+Oranjes Bekkasaur

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    going along with this, id also like to point out that humans are the only animals that really CHOOSE what they eat... all other creatures eat based upon instinct.

    so for someone to say "people have been eating meat for thousands of years... its part of our diet" ... doesnt validate it, considering humans have always had the CHOICE.....

    we use a lot of products in our daily lives that are bad for us or cancer causing, and we're too stupid to even realize it. Other animals seem to have this basic, natural instinct on what's bad for them.
  11. Captain Astronaut

    Captain Astronaut Member

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    "Dont just eat a hamburger. Eat the HELL out of it."​
    The more vegitarians the better because that leaves more mouthwatering Veal for the Cap'n​
  12. Apples+Oranjes

    Apples+Oranjes Bekkasaur

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    wow. you have such insight.

    [insert sarcasm above]
  13. humandraydel

    humandraydel Member

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    That website is decent, and I agree with some of it. On other parts though they clearly make assumptions that shouldn't be made. For example:

    I'm not convinced it is "innately repulsive" to humans as we have killed animals for many years for many reasons. If we were THAT repulsed by it, we never would have killed animals. Oh, and we wouldn't have surgeons either :D

    This is true but excess plant protein can also cause kidney stones and kidney disease.
  14. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    hate to pop the bubble, but humans are opportunivores. Junk science won't chge that.
    We can make the CHOICE to forsake killing of sentient creatures, but we will kill plants, so we really have no room, or need, to be holier than thou to omnis.
    Veg*anism is a choice made by people who weigh factors and decide that this side of the scale is correct for them.
    humans survive quite well on diets with small (very small) amounts of flesh, usually as swimmy things.
    This does NOT mean that I will use such a dietary. but that I recognize that some people will, and others will overindulge and well, apples said it... massive heart attack.
    I read a book a while back that theorized that early homobilus women traded sex (procreation) for providence (meat) fom the man.
  15. Elle

    Elle Senior Member

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    one of the worst and most frustrating excuses to continue eating animals that i've heard (from my own mother no less.....and besides this issue she is a really intelligent woman) is that "God said it was ok for humans to eat meat".:rolleyes: Now that reasoning is easily picked apart because its BULLSHIT but then the conversation always ends with her shrugging her shoulders and not wanting to talk about it anymore. In the end some people just want to continue their selfish ways and not give the issue too much's quite sad.
  16. Apples+Oranjes

    Apples+Oranjes Bekkasaur

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    I DO agree with you ...I feel good about the way I eat, so I could care less if we were "meant" to be carnivores, omnivores, or herbivores... [honestly, i just thought the article was an extremely interesting point of view and new way to look at it]

    I agree with the choice idea... I think i mentioned that in here somewhere...maybe not...Anyway anyone who over indulges in any ONE type of food will most likely have health complications, you have to balance it out. I don't think that eating a bit of meat causes problems, I'm pointing out that the way the majority of americans eat meat is horrible for their health. Americans eat 5 times as much meat than almost any other culture.
    However, the same could happen if you were veg and didn't balance things out and were lacking in important nutrients and such...

    I agree with you, but the article does have a bit of a point :)
  17. Apples+Oranjes

    Apples+Oranjes Bekkasaur

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    luckily my parents dont try to pull that on me anymore after I said, "well that's okay if "god said its okay" because I dont believe in god anyway."

    they never used that excuse on me afterwards...
  18. littlemistymop

    littlemistymop Member

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    I know so many guys who would never even think of stopping to eat meat, tease the hell out of me and go on about how a 'real man' eats meat..Its just like so many guys have to have a big car to prove there manlyness!
    I think this is a particularly Aussie way of thinking..
    ..maybe American too but I know a lot of Swiss, German and generally Europeans who say its so different over there.
  19. jim_w

    jim_w Member

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  20. USNavyDeadHead

    USNavyDeadHead Member

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    You Vegi-Nazis crack me up. You know you are probably correct that humans did indeed begin their existance as herbivores. You know people used to bathe once a year too. Wanna go back to that as well? Congratulations. You have made your choice and I applaud how superior you are to the rest of us. Now would somebody pass the A1? My steak is getting cold.

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