What would you do? I am not typically scared of spiders. I know a few different types and I don't kill them or even try to remove them from the house. But a huge hairy spider just crawled from behind my bed and up my bedroom wall and I have never seen anything that huge and hairy, besides the kinds of tarantulas you see in science centers, etc. What should I do? What would you do? I'm trying to identify it online and not having any luck. Help?!
I do no harm to critters outside but if they are in my home, they are dead. I have no tolerance for bugs and wildlife in my house. My teenagers are enough.
Spiders are very protective of the home and eat other critters, I usually let them be. If it's a nest of a bazillion babies or a poisonous spider they are usually shown the door....
What should you do? isn't it obvious :2thumbsup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHxaZWPyoU8"]Finding and Eating Tarantula Spiders - YouTube Hotwater
If it is still on your wall, get a plastic container and scoop the spider into the container with the top of lid...close lid...walk outside and release.....
Hairy Spider just e-mailed me and asked me to post this song here.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6yyWKzPBCM"]Eagles - I Can't Tell You Why [w/ lyrics] - YouTube
this may be a moot point by now if you do a search for poisonous spiders in the us, you'll find a list of the dangerous types. if the spider doesn't match up with dangerous spiders in your area, there's little reason to worry. in general it's not good to kill things. on the other hand, it's just a spider, and it's not worth worrying about too much. if the spider is causing you anxiety, just kill the mofo and don't sweat it too much.
I think the op is in the same general region as me and the only poisonous spiders we have to worry about are the black widow and on rare occasion the brown recluse. It was probably a wolf spider if I had to guess Pregnant spiders are the worst. You kill the mama but unleash thousands of little hell spawns
That sounds ugly indeed, but you would probably see it right away and so I guess I have been lucky so far
Justin, great song!:2thumbsup: Love the eagles.... Did you read my cobweb story in writer's section. A spider is one of the main characters. I had a roommate once that did that cup thing over a huge insect that invaded us once....and this after she sprayed the poor thing with some chemical. It still did not die. I don't think I ever forgave her for that. lol The whole thing was like watching a horror movie to me, but she was boss. It was her house....mostly.
That creeps me the fuck out. I love reptiles. I've had all sorts of lizards and snakes as pets. But that shit brings me straight back to watching arachniphobia as a kid