How do you choose who cuts your hair? (This topic was done yrs ago, but the membership has changed since then, so I thought I'd ask again). As a male, I look for my haircut to be male (duhh!) ie masculine, cool but not poncey. I don't go for the "Toni and Guy" type shit. Because I'm worried a rather (cough) "flamboyant" hairdresser might shave a dick into the back of it. I don't go for an old guy with thinning hair. He will be bitter, and engage in some random, secretive acts of vandalism. (For instance potentially put in a matting spray and pull it hard with a comb). I don't go for a fat woman. She'll also be bitter because she will only have an ugly man. A really young hot girl? The risk is that she might be over artistic and my hair will look like Justin Bieber. So how do you decide who cuts your hair? Do you think males or females are better? Younger or older people? Do you choose 50 euro just for a cut "salons" that have lots of trophies in the window etc or barbers/hairdressers that are very mainstream?
My missus is probably something you'd call "fat". She's got a fuckin' hunky bf let me tell you. But in all seriousness, mate if you want something masculine just don't even bother cutting your hair. Nothing really looks manlier than long scruffy hair etc. it's so far out the window now, the days where dudes with long hair was "gay" anything less is downright homo IMO.
I just generally give someone a go. If they do a good job I will return, if not I don't. It's only hair, it will grow back.
I prefer to get it cut by a woman. I've been going to the same place now for a few years, where I get it done by a nice Chinese lady.
I agree with Yggdrasil. Go William Walace style and you have never to worry about your masculinity. When I go get a haircut from a professional (which will be the first time in over a decade) I will pay some attention to the hair salon I guess, but not really to the characteristics OP mentioned. I guess that was ment humorous anyway Wether it is a bald old guy or a trendy young girl when I tell my preferences I don't have to worry about ending up with a bieber like haircut
I have long hair and get it trimmed once or twice a year. I go to the same place but don't think I have ever had the same person trim my hair. I have only seen women working at this place.
I kept looking for a hair cutter I was happy with....After, many hair cutters, I finally found a female who understands my hair and how I want it. She listens and she is excellent at what she does, so I only go to her now. I have been going to her for about 3 years now.
As a hairstylist, I was interested in seeing what was said here. A lot of my clients tell me they come to me because I listen to what they want but they trust my opinion on if it will work or not. I specialize in color and most of them will let me choose their color without seeing color swatches. They tell me what they want and I mix it up using my knowledge. I've never had anyone refuse to pay because they weren't happy. A great stylist has nothing to do with gender, sexual orientation, size, age or type of salon. It has to do with communication and execution.
ive always gone to the same place since grade school because it was cheap im losing most of it this year...i might just do it myself with the beard trimmers ...last few times i went with military cut anyways..cant really mess it up with clippers plus i really dont care if it does get messed up theres no wife to complain about it
Yes, commmunication is always key, Ruby, and if a hair dresser has an eye and is an artist, as well, it makes it good. You seem to be an artist, as well. I say the same thing.....feathery, wispy everywhere, not blunted nape of neck in summer and longer in winter.......wash and air dry and however the wind blows it, is has to look
i just go to whichever cheap chain hair place is convenient. currently, i think it's best cuts (i never paid that much attention to the name of the place). i've never seen a man working there. i've gotten my hair cut by a man once, way back when i lived in toledo and i happened to be in one of the suburbs where there was a barbershop conveniently located by some errands i was running. he did fine, but no better or worse than any of the plethora of women that have cut my hair. i don't really "choose" who cuts my hair. it's just whoever's turn it is when i walk in. there's only two hairdressers i would choose not to have. one time several years ago, i watched one of the girls spend about 30 minutes breaking up with her boyfriend on the front desk phone when there were about 5 of us waiting for a haircut. so when she angrily returned to work, i did specifically request to have the other girl do my hair that time. and then at the best cuts i go to now, i haven't ever turned anyone down yet, but i will never get a haircut from the old fat lady again. she's done my hair twice, and both times she just complained about her job the entire time, gave me an awful haircut that i had to redo myself at home afterward, and then sent me on my way without even asking if she did an alright job like every other hair person i've ever met would have done.
My last professional cut was over a year ago, I just booked at the same place my mum went to. Since then I have cut it once myself. I'll probably trim it myself again soon. I don't see the point of a really fancy haircut which will grow out in like a week.
I didn't go near a hairdressing salon for over 3 years now. I just do it myself, I have no difficulty to cut my bangs and around my face to look neat and trimming the ends is a joke... why would I need to pay somebody else to do it?